Thursday, July 15, 2010

Slow Poke ><"

Hmm... Recently I have been unable to catch up with my F7 classes... I can't really catch what the lecturer is teaching.... F7 is Financial Reporting, a financial paper in ACCA's fundamental level... I've been trying to revise but end up copying and editing the answers from the examples instead of sitting down and really doing it...

However, all my friends say that ACCA is tough, so I don't expect to clear it fast at all... was it a mistake when I took this course? Hmm... I'm not sure either... All I know is, rolling stone gathers no moss, since I started this course I might as well just finish it... Right? Yeah yeah... I know I'm slower than most... But I still agree that diligence, determination and persistence will help me to finish this course ... not with flying colours, but at least a marginal PASS...

U really need to study very hard for this course... Really REALLY HARD... *sigh*

Oh ya.. another thing.... I couldn't catch up on wed's new jazz dance class either... Somehow my brain isn't functioning too well recently... lolx.... Thats why the headline of today's post is >>> SLOW POKE!! XD

I'm going to spring tomorrow to see the crew from right steps and godsoul dance in the Flash Mob Star Search performance... Hope that it'll be mighty interesting... Hehe... I'm gonna take lotsa pictures too... and gonna upload it here on my blog ... hehe....

Okay... That's about all for today, see you guys!! Have a nice day!!


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