Wednesday, July 7, 2010

*New Life* ~ Making myself busy ~

Okay, I don't know who's reading this... but anyway... I'm still blogging anyway :)
So here's what I've been up to lately: 

  • Going to godsoul (souldance) at unaco for hip hop classes
  • Continuing new jazz dance at Right Steps Studio (We're learning a newer... more feminine dance now... the song is Glee Cast - Bust Your Windows)
  • Starting F7 class at inti. Can't phantom what the lecturer is saying.... @@"
  • Reading the blogs of others... which... unfortunately... it seems to me... most of my friend's blogs are... DEAD... ><"
  • Wondering how to celebrate my birthday - where and when... lol...
  • Stalking and spamming on facebook
  • Thinking of 'attacking' the lecturer next week when she is free so I can clear my doubts about the topic...
  • Have a lot of 'dates' with some gurl friends to go out soon... XD
Overall... hope that this 6 months things will be fine for me....

See ya!! *Hopes someone reads this @@" *


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