Friday, July 16, 2010

Dancing Sphree!

Godsoul is gonna perform at spring tomorrow along with Right Step's Studio flash mob.... I can't wait to see them dance!! XD... Its gonna be fun... lmao...

I will post the photos up as soon as I manage to take them tomorrow... I already charged my camera battery ready to get set and go!! Lol...

Okay... actually this is not what I really intended to say in this post... What I really wanted to say was... I'm going upstage to perform on kuching fest!! Thats like... in 3 weeks time ... @@"
Our first group will be dancing a small part (the first part) of the song - 50 cent (Just A Lil Bit)... I hope everything turns out ok!! I do believe my life has become eventful again lol....
Nah... its not like it WASN'T eventful right? lol... anyway... mine isn't THAT eventful, but u guys are totally... missing the point, I mean at least something interesting has finally began to occur lately hahahahah....

Okay guys!! Toodles k? I will update u if anything else happens... To my beloved readers, thanks for reading... I really appreciate it... XOXO

P.S. I feel so tired after today's practice... *sigh* gonna catch a nice hot shower and retire early... 



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