Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The Hot Girl In The Middle is Mei Mei 
She's my pen pal in Aussie

Ain't she looking hot in her blue satin dress?
Mei Mei's absolutely gorgeous..

Okay guys... I ripped these photos off facebook again... and without their owner's consent... okay... Today I was writing a letter to her, so I thought I might as well blog some stuff about her.... 

We've been pen pals for many years now... since I was 14 years old I guess... and she never failed to reply my letters and also send me some photos.... So this time I thought it was only fair for me to send her some photos too.... She's a nice girl... and lives in Perth... We've never actually met though... but if one day I have the chance I will try to meet her up....

Mei Feng or, Mei Mei is one year older than me... and we talked a lot through msn and letters... mostly... letters... We met through mIRC... although I'm no longer playing that chat system no longer.... Hmm... She's really pretty and sweet though... Lol ( I keep wondering why I'm surrounded by hot, pretty girls which make me drab by comparison ><" ) 

Well... That's all for today, i'm running outta ideas on what to blog about.... See ya guys!!



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