Thursday, April 15, 2010

*Dance Class*

I joined a dancing class at Right Steps Studio last month. We're dancing New Jazz (Girl Hip Hop) to the song 2NE1- Fire.

First class -whoops... I turned the wrong direction ><"
Second class - Managed to memorize steps a little...
Third class - Getting the hang of it... Finally *sigh*
Fourth class - Beginning to enjoy myself... XD
Fifth class - Teacher said I improved... Yay! (But still have room for improvement =.=' )

The other type of dance I joined is belly dance. I've only been for one class so far...
We're using Hindi songs to dance... over and all... I'm enjoying myself, just that I have problems trying to catch up....

But anyhow... due to the fact I gained a lot of weight... I guess I need to dance more ><''

Tata guys. And thanks for reading. Lol


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