Wednesday, April 7, 2010

*Twilight Saga* *Edward Cullen vs Jacob Black*

Twilight... As I had already mentioned... In my starevangel blog... I'm busy reading the four books... Excellent indeed lol...

Now ... For the fight of the year... Who's HOTTER? 

Vampire vs Werewolf (Now this is not war of facebook lol)
Tsk tsk... Should I say which type of boy should one prefer? 

Macho type? Rippling muscles over a handsomely flat chest >>> Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner)

Or cute.. Pretty boy.. Tall and lanky type >>>>>> Edward Cullen? (Robert Pattinson) 

For me.. I prefer Jacob... cause he's macho... hahahahah...
Maybe its my preference for guys.... But for me, they're both hot...

Enjoy the video guys... See ya!


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