Tuesday, April 27, 2010

*Driving Lessons*

Hmm.. after 1 year get driving license.. 1 year no drive. My mum actually bought me a Perodua Viva, manual.. but I still can't drive lol. Hmm.. I was considering driving the other auto gear Wira. Lol. But anyways... I took my 2nd driving lesson from mum today. The first one was yesterday. My mum says my steering has improved. Lol. Hopefully I will be out on the road alone by end of this year. :P Then I can go out whenever I need to, or feel like it. Oh yeah.. Did I mention I need to learn how to cook? Hmm.. postpone that to the next half year too. So many thing to learn, nanti 走火入魔 zzz.... I hope that my hand will heal soon.. zzz.. 

Too ambitious already
1. Pass CAT
2. Learn how to drive
3. Cook [Yes.. Cook :(]

Oh yeah.. gotta get a new camera soon too lol. Must :P
Hmm.. anywayz... everyone so damn busy with school life. Or uni life. Lol. Tata guys. Hopefully the next post will be something more interesting. Lmao

Saturday, April 24, 2010

*High School Musical*

High School Musical!! I only just watched High School Musical 3 one week ago.. due to unclear dvds.. hahahha... They said clear dvds would only be in stock much much later.. zzzz... I really enjoyed the movie though.. XD

The movie revolves around Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) and Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Hudgens). The first song they starred was mainly how they met at a new year eve's party ... when both of them were called upon to sing karaoke. The song they sang was The Start Of Something New... (Love it!!) XOXO .. and they exchanged numbers before leaving... seeming to be attracted to each other. 

They later found out they were enrolled in the same high school (what a coincidence *rolls eyes* *winks* ) In short.. they met and fell in love and decided to enroll for the winter musical auditions.. annoying Sharpay Evans (Ashley Tishdale) badly for she did not want any competition... lmao... 

Shocking most of the other students ( for one is a basketball star and another one is a brainiac :P >> i mean academically excellent student ) by taking the lead for the musical audition, they blow the house down by performing at the musical audition. The song they sang was Breaking Free... and the crowd roared in delight and gave great applause (Poor Sharpay.. hehe)

I cant really remember much of the next 2 movies (although I watched HSM 3 one week ago.. because erm... nothing really interesting ... lol) but over and all.. I do like the movie High School Musical a lot. 

I bet the rest of you (quite a number, I'm sure) has already watched the movie, so I won't bother going through the details anymore... 

That's about all.. I'm finished people.. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. *Smiles*

*Belly Dance*

People people hey! Do you know I went for belly dancing class? They say if you go for belly dance class it will make your tummy small... Just look at these hot pics of the Indian belly dancers I found online!! 

o.0 is it really possible to make your tummy so flat after going for belly dance class... Eee.. I also want to look hot and sexy hahahah... *jealous* XD..

I'm now currently at Right Steps Dance Studio (Its at Titanium, near FTMS there) learning dancing classes, and its the 4th dance class so far hehe...

I like the belly dance teacher. She is only one year older than me, and is super slim.. hahahah... Well... Her name is Karen.. nice girl.. hehehe... 

Hmm.. perhaps I will update more often.. but only when i feel like it. Hehe ^0^

Thursday, April 15, 2010

*Dance Class*

I joined a dancing class at Right Steps Studio last month. We're dancing New Jazz (Girl Hip Hop) to the song 2NE1- Fire.

First class -whoops... I turned the wrong direction ><"
Second class - Managed to memorize steps a little...
Third class - Getting the hang of it... Finally *sigh*
Fourth class - Beginning to enjoy myself... XD
Fifth class - Teacher said I improved... Yay! (But still have room for improvement =.=' )

The other type of dance I joined is belly dance. I've only been for one class so far...
We're using Hindi songs to dance... over and all... I'm enjoying myself, just that I have problems trying to catch up....

But anyhow... due to the fact I gained a lot of weight... I guess I need to dance more ><''

Tata guys. And thanks for reading. Lol

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

*Twilight Saga* *Edward Cullen vs Jacob Black*

Twilight... As I had already mentioned... In my starevangel blog... I'm busy reading the four books... Excellent indeed lol...

Now ... For the fight of the year... Who's HOTTER? 

Vampire vs Werewolf (Now this is not war of facebook lol)
Tsk tsk... Should I say which type of boy should one prefer? 

Macho type? Rippling muscles over a handsomely flat chest >>> Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner)

Or cute.. Pretty boy.. Tall and lanky type >>>>>> Edward Cullen? (Robert Pattinson) 

For me.. I prefer Jacob... cause he's macho... hahahahah...
Maybe its my preference for guys.... But for me, they're both hot...

Enjoy the video guys... See ya!

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