Sunday, February 13, 2011

~Best Fren~

This is my best fren Shirley, I'm creating a new blog so I thought I would dedicate my first post in my new blog about her hahaha.. damn i dono what happened to my old google account, now everything related to it >> blogger and youtube cannot access.. Grr... so damn annoying lol...

Alright, back to Shirley a.k.a Kumiko... She has been my bestie since Form 1... we better celebrate it once we reach 21 years old kay? Lol...

She has always been there for me, sweet and caring.. and lmao... she's the no 1 beauty queen!! Hahahaha... anyway... I dont have anything else to say about her lol... so I will end right here...

P.S sorry for stealing your photo without getting your consent first haha


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