Saturday, February 19, 2011

Old Memories (Sept 2009)

Shirley and Lesley 

Me and Shirley 

Shirley and Zong Jia 

Shirley and Lydia 

Shirley & Lesley (Smile Gals) :P 

Shirley, Lesley & Zong Jia (Da Three Beauties) 

Shiley & Lesley (Man I do miss these moments) 

Lovely Lightings

I can't really remember what happened back in 2009, but I remember we went to Zong Jia's uncle's restaurant to eat... We had a great time back then... I remember Yong Xiang, Noah, and Raymond was there.. But they didn't take any pictures... Hmm... Well it was fun having an old schoolmate gathering... So thats all all for now, chao...


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