Monday, February 14, 2011

Grandma's Dogs

These are my grandparent's dogs, the Golden Retriever Brownie, and the other two white mixed breeds, Lulu and her daughter Kuchik. The pups are Brownie's and Lulu's children, she has given birth many times already... For some reason, Kuchik seems unable to bear pups...

The pups are sooo cute! haha... enjoy the pics, some of you might have already seen them on facebook, for those that haven't noticed, just enjoy yeah!!


  1. Lucu banget anjingnyaaa. Golden kalo masih kecil ternyata bulunya pendek ya. Gua suka banget ma anjing, di rumah ada satu ekor yg lucu banget. Kalo ada waktu mampir deh ke sini :

    Salam kenal



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