Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kenyalang Concert 2010

I went to 2010 舞台之星校园争霸赛... its a competition between schools...

Results are :

MaxStar 2010 Contest Result
歌唱组及才艺组冠军 = Maria Nisha/铃距离
歌唱组及才艺组亚军 = 陈春华/Soul Girlz
最佳舞台奖 = 林现忠 
最佳造型奖 = 鼓行者
最佳潜质奖 = 蔡盈盈
最佳人气奖 = Soul Girlz


Had a great time screaming and cheering fot the contestants lol....  hahahahah.... really enjoyed myself aye~

Thats all for now folks .. enjoy!!


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