Sunday, August 8, 2010

Playing Online Games *Chi Bi* *赤壁*

My main character - Name: 琴舞
Weapon - 舞扇
Lvl 40+

Second main character - Name: 蝶飞舞剑客
Weapon - 环
Lvl 20+

One of my sub character - Name: Aviendha
Weapon - 盾
Lvl - Below Lvl 10

Recently I've been playing 赤壁 again... doing daily missions like fishing and also 军团 & 结义 mission has managed to boost my exp... I couldn't find anything interesting to blog about... So I just thought I might put up some random stuff... Lolx...

Enjoy the pics people... Will blog again when I have time... XOXO


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