Tuesday, October 12, 2010

*Baby Darren*

 Ruth my cousin and me
Aiks we both look fat!! ><"

 Baby Darren and his great aunt

 This is Darren's mum - Stephanie(left)
My cousin Ruth (Middle)
My aunty (Ruth's Mum) (Right)

 He's so cute when he's asleep!! XD

 My cousin invited a lot of ppl to his house to eat... lol

Oooh! He opened his eyes!! XD

He closed his eyes back into dream world :P

Baby Darren feeding XD

I cant remember when did I go to my cousin's house to celebrate his baby boy's first full month, if not wrong should be beginning of october or end of september like that..... He got the caterer from country court .. mmm... i really love the lamb lol... so tasty! XD 

Baby Darren will soon be approaching 2 months old... God bless him and his family always!! 

I'll blog again when I'm free.. see ya guys!!


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