Saturday, June 26, 2010

*Tray Cafe With Old Frens*

Tray Cafe

Oreo Crunch ~Yummy~

Kelson & Yan Sheng :P

Kelson & Clement 

The Three Dudes
Kelson, Clement & Yan Sheng

SMILE!! :) Why u guys expression so funny XD

Why only Kel smile? ><"

Me & Shirnyx
Muakzz!! Frenz Forever!!

3 plus 1 
Old Frenz!! XD!!

Great!! Finally everyone is smiling!! LOL

I Love Oreo Crunch!! XD

Me & the old primary school gang went to Tray Cafe to lim teh and keng kai one day before I went to UK... End of May if I'm not mistaken... we had a great time chit chatting... hahah... Enjoyed myself throughly... Hope we can go out again soon... Everyone is going to local uni in july... Hmm... Miss ya guys... For those that are not staying in Kuching or going overseas.... 

Anyway... I'm glad everyone still keep in touch with each other... Hope we will remain friends forever... Take k... U guys!! 


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