Sunday, June 20, 2010

*What I've Been Up To Recently*

Hey guys, if you've been reading my blog, you've probably noticed I've been pretty active recently on my blog, but that's because I'm on holiday... Lol. I celebrated Father's day with my family on my mother's side, enjoying dinner at 101 with my younger cousins, Jac, Alex and Jerry. I had a great time talking with Jac, where she told me stories about her school life in Kuching High... Reminds me of the time I was still thirteen lol.

I think I'm gonna take up guitar next month while waiting for my hand to heal... Classical guitar. The guitar I'm using is actually my Dad's guitar, a very old one (older than me) but still in great shape. I'm going to take one paper next sem, F9, related to T10.

I'm having a movie marathon recently, and the movies I'm watching are quite old, I mean outdated lol. I only finished watching 花样少年少女 & 海派甜心, that's why those movies ended up in my blog lol. I plan to watch 东方茱丽叶, 天外飞仙 & 浪漫满屋 too. Pretty outdated movies right? lol...

Ok, thats all for now, see ya guys!! Bye!!


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