Tuesday, April 28, 2009

*Sweet Memories of The Past*

Have u wished that time flowed a little slower?
When one really cherished the sweet times with old friends?
When we take people for granted, when we thought 'out of sight out of mind'
Truth is.. it is exactly the opposite...

I miss amy.. she's in shah alam...
Soon i will miss kelson.. going over to KL...
Then.. i miss many others...
Please.. never take friends for granted
They are priceless treasures...
They are there when u need them..
A shoulder to cry on ...
A smile that lightens your mood...
Just a word or two will give u great encouragement...
They are there when you need help
For they are really 'friends in need when you need them indeed'

They are always kind
They will always support you
No man is an island
We need friends to survive
We don't have to be selfish in giving out care
For we will get it back a hundred-fold..
We will need them one day..

When the sky turns bleak..
And i'm all alone..
I turn and see a friendly smile..
A pat on the shoulder..
Reassures me that everything will be fine...
The clouds lighten up a little...
I now see the gentle rays of sunlight peeking over the horizon..
Its a bright new day now...
With my dear friends by my side..
I will no longer feel lonely..
I feel happy and complete...

*Treasure your friends*
*Don't take them for granted*
*They will not be there forever*
*So cherish them now*
*While they are by your side*

Miss you my dear friends...

*TaKe cArE*


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