Wednesday, April 1, 2009

~New Magazine Club~

Hmm... joined the daneshjoo collegian club... (its inti new magazine club ^o^ ) and... the president is actually my friend's ex bf... lolx... ( i hope he wont read this XD ) im the newly appointed secretary... (bummers.. lots of work for me XD ) but anywayz.. i like it!! XoXo... yeah... so im also in charge of a bit of accounting work... (to make sure his friend... whats his name again? irfan? =.=" doesnt dip into the club's cash for a few personal expenses... hahaha) .. and i need to write some article about kuching's hotspots... entertainment part.. and am helping peter .. (african guy... english club president and also magazine club auditor ) on da article... haha... hmm... so thats about it.. o yeah.. priscilla is going to help me and give me a good guide line on how exactly a secretary should really perform ( secretarial duties .. ) haha... i would say that peter and priscilla are one of the top contributors in the club as the really have a lot of potential and also a lot of fresh ideas... especially peter.. since he has vast experience in this area and priscilla ( damn creative girl XD ) hahaha... o well i think thats about all... so i guess i should really pop to bed now... *yawns* Nightz!!


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