Saturday, April 4, 2009

~Boring ~

Firstly.. i would like to say... HOW am i going to write that article for the kuching hotspots thingy? another thing... (~.~") It seems that everyone has different ideas about the topics for the magazine, the financial issues... (sponsors?) and many other things... so exactly.. how do u start on an article again?

Firstly... *grimaces* I have NOT written anything after my Last English Essay on SPM... (i mean no stories.. AT ALL!!) *ponders if writing skills are still there* and worse... *sighs with regret* have not read any story books in A YEAR!! yeah.. amy... (if u're readin this) U can kill me now.. =.=" i have simply lost the interest .. for one.. secondly.. not much time to sit down and really savor another epic fantasy of something like The Wheel Of Time etc.. because.. all the book addicts out there... Im sure u know what i mean when you start reading a great book .. u simply CANNOT put it down... which also means.. if i have class at 8 am the next morning .. and i read.. a Harry Potter book until lets say.. until 3 am.. and if its a whole day class.. then... i will become "The Panda" right? As in heavy eyelids and dark eyebacks?

O well.. Sure is OFF DA TOPIC.. i just wanted to say that im not very confident if i really needed to suddenly write an article... *.*"


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