Saturday, December 13, 2008

~Erm... Lost A Friend?~

Yikes... so i ended up in a conflict with one of my old friends... its like.... we've been friends for so long... i kinda wish we didn't fight over such a small thing.... haih... but I ain't apologizing if this isnt my fault this time lolz...

A lot of stuff happened then... I did manage to go out with my best friend, Shirley... we went to spring... ran into a lot of KHS students... even amy and keren's gang too... hehehhe.... lolz.... WELL... I'm now into Zhu Xian and Chi Bi... but i still have my piano exam to get thru.. lolz

Say... so I did see a few more people at saberkas today too... lee chin... and also another old classmate of mine... lolz... hmm... i guess i really should scoot now... but there ain't anything interesting to post about... lolz

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

~Friendship Poem~

Beautiful sakura blooms one spring
Ah what a beauty it seem
All the birds begin to sing
That day may our friendship redeem
May we become a loving new being
And treasure friendship like a precious gem 

My Motto: ~Live Life To The Fullest~ 

~Happy Times At Last~

Uh oh... this is to ... well.... to offset the previous post... its more like to say... at least i am happy now... hey... who cares about those people? They don't know that they've hurt you... they don't care... they don't think it matters... its so obviously oblivious to them... and you are the victim >>>> U become depressed... and you become hurt... and did u know angers makes u grow old? By pissing yourself off you are the one who will get the high blood pressure ( when u grow old, not now... we're still blooming with youth ) 

Am glad to say one thing... This year... I had a lot of happy times with my friends in INTI... we did have a few clashes... ( but it aint that serious... and cmon... there are politics everywhere... ) nobody can like everybody... and its called the conflict of different personalities... if you don't have your own gang in "their area" ... then... live a life... go get your own gang... lol... best part of it is... u don't have to be the leader of "the gang" but at least you'll be a happy member... (provided everyone stays clear of conflicts... and etc.. etc... ) 

Well... I enjoyed the year 2008 compared to 2006 and 2007 ( those 2 years were the worst of my life ) and this year... YIPPEE! New friends are better than the old ones (secondary school )... well ... the really old ones... from primary school... not secondary school... are still the best friends you will ever need... FOR LIFE!!  


~Another Ordeal~

Time flies huh? Looking back at the times that have fast passed by.. (Despite of not many happy memories due to an extremely HATED guy that once... nvm... forgiving is always the biggest virtue of all) I have not completely forgiven that guy ... yet... and is also due to him i fell ill... I hate bullies... urgh... (For one i've been bullied ever since i can remember... long story cut short.... I have a passive nature... which once angered becomes highly aggresive... am super sensitive... wish i had inherited my dad's Who Gives A DAMN attitude in the perspective of life? ) But maybe I learnt something else... if u meet bullies ... sometimes u got to stand up to them and fight the LEADER... yup... 擒贼先擒王... anyway... wouldn't want to sound SPITEFUL... but when my friend say tolerance... tolerance... i would highly disagree.... the more u back down... the more they step forward.... its either u give them the total whack down... yeah... they can win 99 times but if u make the case big just that 1 time to make them realize you're not easy to deal with either.... its good enough... (at least i won one time: I wish I did.. ) however... the worst thing about bullies is they gang up on u... they make your surrounding friends ( or at least your classmates begin to hate you too ) You Know What is worst?

The worst is your best friend is stuck in between.. he or she cannot help you either.... but if they say violence only causes more violence... i would say this : WITHOUT VIOLENCE THE WAR WOULD NOT END>>> WHO TOLD YOU THAT HUMANS ARE PEACE MAKERS? WHO SAID THAT? THATS HOW WAR STARTS RIGHT? CMON.... we're human... my friends say take it as a lesson and live on... stop living in the past.... what I think is.... it may be true... but u know what.... I must've been a bully my last life to get this sort of "ill treatment" this life... my mum says... the world is round... what u do.... u will get hit in the face on YOUR judgement day... hmph... not fair.... why do bad guys always survive longer than good guys?

They say people who get bullied when they are young become bullies when they grow up... i say bullshit.... I didn't become a bully in the end.... (the only thing i bullied is my own dog... perhaps... mistreated the poor fellow by playing rough) Well.... I'm not going to bring the case up again... seems like the survival of the FITTEST is forever the survival of THE FITTEST.... either you're on top ... or either you're at the bottom... well... i hope i don't meet any more of that sorta people anymore.... I learnt my lesson... (or did I?) So what did i learn? Tolerance? More tolerance? Perhaps... Never pick a fight with someone else unless u have good cause for it? You think that is right? Well... One thing I did learn though is... 

1. True... don't pick a fight with a strong leader unless u wanna get into trouble..
2. True... tolerance... but not too much.... else you will be perceived as cowardly
3. Don't even think of grabbing the spotlight of any of those people unless you want a     death sentence
4. Just STAY CLEAR..
5. Don't push yourself too hard, but if u cannot stand it it would be time to strike back
6. If u manage to win once in a public place (with lots of people) and really give them       no "face" ... that should do it... Jerks are not allowed to live for long... someone has     to pull them down one day 


Monday, December 8, 2008

~Finished CAT exams~

Hmm... i just finished my CAT paper 5, 6 and 7... results out in next year 16 February..heheh... whether i pass or not it would be a different story.... erm... its kinda impossible for me now to say... but Paper 6 should be able to pass *sigh*... hey there is a class reunion .... on da 16th of Dec... lolz... o well... heheh... nth much to say though... thats all...

P.S. Am getting a new hp LG KS 360 soon ... problem is.... is there any themes for that phone? :(

~Halo everybody~

Hey hi... starting another new blog.. lolz 


Hiya everybody... AM BACK!!! Lol... hardly updating my blogs nowadays.. o well... gtg run now.... just saying hi again...
Hiya everybody... AM BACK!!! Lol... hardly updating my blogs nowadays.. o well... gtg run now.... just saying hi again...

~ Finished CAT exams~

Uh oh i just managed to finish off my CAT exams... hahhahaha.... o well.... piano next... am still debating whether or not to go for the class party on tues.. ok then.. cya! 

Saturday, July 26, 2008

~Passed Law Test~

Okie... did i mention i passed my car law test last saturday? Haha.. well thats about all... happy me then... hahahha

~Inti Info Day~

Wah... me and len hwa ( he is my partner ) and the others that got the rebate or scholarship all become tourist guides to tour secondary students from various schools all around the place... OMG... one tour takes at least 2 hours.. they consist of 10 students... wakau... hahahhahaha... well... and its like a beauty contest becoz they get to pick their own tourist guide.... lolz... well thats all... i will upload some pics into my Stalkerholic blog when i'm free... definitely NOT today.. lolz

Friday, July 4, 2008

~Seireitei RO?~

I played RO today.. for a day.. and my fren Zheng helped me to up lvl to the max level.. lvl 1000... its kinda nice.. but im still a one day old NOOB... who doesnt know how to use the skills yet hahah... well.. there ya go... mine is JadeEvangel.. a gypsy>>> cute rite? hahaha

~Law Test Postponed~

I postponed my law test to the 3rd saturday of july.. wakkakaa... well tats all

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

~Mmm.... Law Test?~

Lookie here guys... remember that i flunked my car law test last month? (>.<") well i'm retaking it this coming saturday... if everything goes as planned, then i will probably be driving latest by december.. haha... mm... august is my practical grade 2 and aso my theory grade 2..wish me luck!

P.S. Also.. i would like to congratulate Ah Zheng on passing his car test today.... ^^ 

~ First Day In New Semester~

Yikes... Ok... so one of the blacks totally like... "killed Cadie ( paper 6 teacher ) with his harsh tongue " ... i mean a totally scandalized cadie was fuming by the time class ended.. apparently he was complaining about cadie's teaching.. which i found nothing wrong with... haih... and as for Paper 5.. pure theory.. pure nightmare... and of course.. pure english in your "pure" paper 5 essay.. hahahhaa.. can u believe it? Teacher made us write an essay *shakes head* about environmental influences... the PEST... P is political, E is economical, S is Social and T is technological.. swt.... hahaha... well.. if this goes on... i wont have much problem in my coming exam hahhaha... (^.^")

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Ok... i might have failed the first time while taking my paper 4.. but at least i passed it today! HIP HIP HURRAY!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

~Gone Out To Boulevard~

Yikes i went out with boulevard again with my frenz... zheng and teresa... around 3.30 when i was supposed to be studying... haih... >.<".... I dono wat to say la... so i guess thats about all... if i fail tats it... haih

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

~Fixed My Piano~

Today i kinda wasted a whole afternoon with the tuner? Like ... *sighs*  3 hours gone... phew... my GOODNESS me... well... i spent RM 70 tuning the piano.. it belonged to my mum... which means it OLD... and... it hasnt been tuned for 30 years... YUP ... i m not exaggerating... well I'm Kinda Relieved that its over... phew... but the keyboard keys are still kinda stiff... can't help it... k thats about all... another new entry tommorow morning i guess.... gotta RUN now... I finish the chapter on Materials... now on the next chapter... LABOUR... talk about LABOUR... *my poor brain is exhausted* ^^ gtg! 

Monday, June 16, 2008

I have no idea why this blog has NO TITLE... nvm... i will make it like my daily entry... to my good friend, shirley who is reading this.. i wish her good luck in her exams all the time... do not hesitate to let me help u in your MUET The Best Handphone Theme Site Ever!

Hey... all u guys out there...chem... please go to to get themes for your handphone.. yup... all sorts of themes.. enjoy! 
Gah... i will not bother to repeat myself... i am way behind on my work... so i reli need to go now... cya then! 

ONO.. 10 CHAPTERS to go!

Ono... tat means my CATP 4 got 10 chapters to go... k wish me luck.. cya ! 

~ No News = Good News ~

Aloha... mmph... considering the fact that I m now opening ANOTHER blog... well u guys can simply check this one out... although it will be just like my old one... the aviendlha cafe... well... Lets see...

~No news is good news~

Well... considering the fact that no news IS good news... i would like to bring in some news... *cough* well that means its BAD news... as i have already written in Aviendlha Cafe... my MPW 1133 Malaysian Studies exam has crashed into my CATP 4... i guess i will not bother to repeat it over and over again... hahahha.... well... i would also like to add a few more photos in my Stalkerholic blog tomorrow. Its regarding Happy Father's Day... hahah... we ate at Hui Sing... The Family Cafe... *Smiles* Well... erm... nothing much to add here.... only that i plan to read through 4 lectures tonight and try to finish everything... (the MPW 1133) hopefully i can... i din realy study today... but i got the luxury of sleeping and surfing the net... i got less than 7 days to study for my CATP 4 ... dunk the MPW... hahahah... well.. considering another 3 of my friends are suffering the same fate... nvm then... i got another project to do as well.. for MPW 1133... haih.... k then... cya round.. TATA!!!

MPW 1133 Malaysian Studies Class

Omg... i gonna have a heart attack * starts to wheeze * My Malaysian studies midterm totally CRASHED into my CATP4 exam... its like ... omg... what should i do? Both are on the totally same day... one in the morning.. one in the night... omg... hah? HOW LEH HOH? i dono... *snivels* and *groans in despair* My self consciousness is killing me.... the angel with the halo on the top says, Michelle... be a good gurl.. study hard... the devil on the other side says, Cmon... u only have two weeks holiday to boot for another 6 months.. play ... so like... duh.... My sanity is at stake here... not to mention I have to resit the damn car law test... one week after my exam... ... if i fail again i must be dumb... rite? how can i pass my CAT exam... but FAIL car law? Absurd rite? Like... totally lame... well... thats that... I HOPE that i can pass... *screams in my head* erm.. *ponders if can really pass* WELL gotta pump in more petrol into my engine and start MOVE IT! Yup... singing .... I LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT... I LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT.... MOVE IT!!! Well.. really going to move NOW... so tata... adding a new entry tomorrow... apparently i got about 7 to 8 chapters left to study... plan to study my MPW midterm tonight first... damn it... well... cya round!

Failed My Law Test... (>.<")

Ok... so i flunked the damn test... i need to resit it on the last week of june... a saturday... well everyone gotta wish me gud luck then... cya round... next monday is the midterm AND the CATP4 exam... DIE... DIE... sniff... y do i get the very bad feeling i might fail again? ~.~ dear me... nvm... well thats all... i gtg now cya!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Driving Law Test!

Oh sheesh! I'm gonna have my driving law test at 2.30 pm.. and i din finish the 500 questions... so erm... how leh? Dono but well.... I just gotta study hard then... k c u!

Monday, March 24, 2008

~Monday~ Lan.. uh oh.. the exams are coming UP!!~

Ok.. so can someone say something about the coming exams? Gosh I am so nervous I'm shaking? Lol.. isnt that a little bit exaggerating? Ok.. so LAN ... was boring again.. and Len Hwa's birthday is tomorrow... hehehhehe.... I plan to have a great time tomorrow... so bye! CYA GUYS!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

~Sunday~ NOT a great day

Ok... so i spent a great day yesterday... playing in Permai with my frenz... Seawater.. pool water.. oohh.. it was great.. but unfortunately i was sick... haih.. then zheng hurt his leg... dear me.. but he is fine now at least... hmmm.. i got an exam tomorrow.. paper 2 mock exam... well thats around all..if anyone wants to see what happened in permai, go check out my stalkerholic blog.. ok then.. c u guys!

P.S I am still feeling a bit ill... urrgh..

Saturday, March 15, 2008

~Boy on Microphone~

OK yu liang.. give it your best shot.. dont make the glass break though with your voice..hahahahha... well.. ^^ just kidding
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~Amelia and Patrick~

Thats amelia and her boyfriend patrick.. arent they RED today? hahahhaha
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~Audrey and Roy~

Hey... here we have another couple today.. thats Roy and Audrey.. say hi lol...
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~Yu Liang and.. dono who?~

Hey.. that guy in blue is yu liang.. and his fren.. hmm i dono his name boh.. but anywayz.. they are our seniors
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~Saturday~ Trip to Permai

hey.. guys.. did u know that we joined a trip to Permai for our ACCA club? hehe.. and right.. thats teresa in Permai...
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Friday, March 14, 2008

~Friday~ A break Day!

Ok.. so i did skip cadie's class today...hehehe... well.. lazy mah... study myself lo... and erm... we're goin on the trip to the rainforest tomorrow... and im gonna take lots of pictures and then of course.. post it on stalkerholic..hehehe... yup.. its also claren's birthday!! hehhe... sshh.. we got him a present! hehe.. ok then thats all.. till tomorrow..tata

~Friday~ UH oh.. tats my frenz...

Ah.. this is amy and valerie... hehehhe....say hi everyone!
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Uh oh.. i only got 4As.. sob sob.. nvm la.. its still better than nothing.. well.. thats all... my frens all got a lot of As... but im not that disappointed.. hehe.. well c u then!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

~Two Boys~

Yan Sheng and Kelson together... both July boys... hehehhe... my two gud frens.. still in Tun Jugah... hehhe.. Yan Sheng looks sleepy.. Kelson has a big big big smile... very happy today hoh?
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This is kelson.. the most talkative person i know.. haha.. he is very cheerful and nice.. we took this in tun jugah... hehe... he used to study in padungan... lol..
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~Chiu Hui and Shirley~

Hmm.. stalkerholic is stalking people again.. hahahhahah... thats chiu hui (left) and sze li (right) on the way to parkson.. heheheh... arent i evil.... steal take their photo de...
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Hello! This is my best fren sze li... everybody say hi!! All of us.. me, chiu hui and yan sheng took this pictures in Ren Jian Cha Fang... Live Cafe... hehehhehe
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~Frenz Gathering~ Saturday

Hey.. thats me and yan sheng... hehe... do we look like brother and sister? No la.. but we are good frens... lol.. today come out and play mah... so we take this near alacard... hehe...
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Friday, March 7, 2008


This is Audrey in her white jacket.. a gud fren of teresa's ... hehe.. they sit together in class... well... she's from stampin school.. teresa's from greenroad... thats all...

P.S. Audrey dun kill me ya...
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~Chinese New Year Go to Frenz House~

OK.. thats teresa.. one of my gud frenz in INTI... ok then well... she's smart and pretty... and very nice too.. hahaha...
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~INTI FRENZ~ Before Chinese New Year ~January~

Hey.. thats amelia on the left and veronica on the right... veronica left for australia already... well ... we lost a friend... but it was fun having her around hahahha... hmm... ok amelia dun kill me when u see your picture..
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~China Trip Dec 2007~

OK... tats dad and uncle in xia men

Below is mum...

~My KHS Friends~ During SPM time

Uh oh... the bottom one is shirley.. or sze li, thats her real name.. she's my best friend... and the top one is pei ching... both are my good friends, but sze li is my best friend of course... hahahha... i made a new blog... im gonna make sure its full of pictures.. muahahhaha.... well... thats all... i took this after the SPM exam... i cant remember what subject... thats a long time ago... ok then.. thats all... just introducing my KHS friends.. bye!
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Thursday, March 6, 2008

~Friday~ End of Week at last

O great! Its a friday, and its at the end of the week.. finally! Ok.. so class at the BGL lab wasnt that bad.. but i managed to survive through mr voon's lab session.. later i got piano too... ok.. lets see what happened the last few days i left my blog.. okay.. last night i called up the 'old gang' and we agreed to meet tomorrow, saturday, at alacard.. to play.. HURRAY! cmon.. what with like 4 mock exams waiting for me to flunk.. i gotta relax today u know .. cmon guys.. pity me a little... oh yeah... about the LAN project.. due date is next monday.. luckily i nearly finshed it. Okay then.. thats all .. bye !

P.S. Gotta really play hard tommorow to make up for the sweet time lost....

Monday, March 3, 2008

MPW exam day ~Monday~

My god... its a tough day today... i really cant stand the LAN moral test... im so gonna flunk it... yup... i cheated lol hahha....well... too bad... (*.*) anywayz... i think there is nothing much to say today.. except for the fact that i am really tired... well.. what really happened the past few days was.. hmm... wat happened? I dont remember? Pai seh... I only know that i am going to flunk it... well thats all... c u guys then.. bye! 

P.S. Extra class tomorow with cadie... i hope i understand what SHE teaches... else i m so gonna scream in frustration...  

Friday, February 29, 2008

~Exam Day~ Friday

OK guys... did i tell u that yesterday AND today was a really tiring day? Like REALLY TIRING? (Exam days) What happened recently? The latest news is that somebody out there has just began a relationship... no names... but everyone will know who by the end of next week.. two loverbirds hahha... ok the next most TIRING thing on earth is that LAN.. oh yes.. the dreaded MPW subject EXAM is next monday.. no kidding.. boys and girls.. it is like deathbed... two essays... 40 objective... and 4 structure... uh oh are u guys kidding me? Nvm.. nvm... i survived SPM... whats the big deal? Pay another RM 50 and resit it again if u like? lol... no way... im outta that BORING boring class... no kidding me man.. ok... lets say i will die on monday... when both papers come back... sniff... nvm... there is gotta be a first time... hmm.. i chat with yan sheng on the phone for one hour just now... lol... we are still gud frens that is for sure... well... lots and lots to talk about mah... really miss them all friends... especially those from song kheng hai... hehe... another thingy... im so outta love right now.. i got so much on my plate i cant finish it... meaning that i have so many things to do i wont meddle with love affairs now... i think i better relearn everythingy teacher has taught us ... damn... why so many exams? Me? Good results? It sucks.. well okay its average.. but do u think it will last? Darn... can someone just be my luck star today? becoz... well.. i felt like i tembak the whole paper... believe? Okay.. next section of todays story...

Quote no 1: Never study for a test
Quote no 2 : Never bring your calculator (who needs it when u have a shotgun to tembak all the ABC questions?) Get real.. kids
Quote no 3: If it rains.. dont even bother to bring an umbrella... if u get sick u will be exempted from exams
Quote no 4: What happens if u fail? Well... nvm... this would be the 100th time... people who fail suceed better then those who never fail before... it isnt the real exam, who freaking cares?
Quote no 5: Okay.. so what happens if u really fail in the real exam? No big deal... just keep thinking that... its not the end of the world.. i might need to resit the whole semester and lose my friends but thank god... so long as i pay.. they wont kick me out... muahahhahaha...

So... 5 quotes to keep u guys going.. (ignore the 5th one... i dont recommend it) but oh yeah, the first 4 are highly recommended advice.. take it from me.. the... inhuman human... ok... i dont really care what u guys wanna call me but be nice kiddos.. no names... especially from king oliver... YUP! I'm talking to you... if u make me angry... i will definitely start to sing.. its too late to apologize... too late... and of course... begin to start whacking u as usual.. hahhaa... ok im not the devil..just playing... just playing... be nice... zheng said.. well he has got his point... even james said i was rough... sniff.. am i really? ok then... time to ... become a lady... like teresa... a lady ? me? are u kidding me? I hate skirts! NO high heels! No make up! Please? Cant i be all natural? Lol... someone called me a plant..a cactus.. mr you-know-who of course... who else but his highness... swt... he calls me all sorts of names.. argh! nvm... naturally he is just kidding.. doesnt mean any harm... i hope we can make it out for the movie.. i mean me and my old frens... next thurs or friday... becoz if not.. well lets say DIE lo if not... okay thats enuff... bye kiddos... all the leng zai and leng loi.. if u wanna see more... just be patient.. i will update as much as possible.. bye!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

~A Near to Exam Day~ Tuesday

Ok... another uneventful day... but the past previous days i really had a lot of fun.. at least last friday i went to watch kung fu dunk with teresa, claren and claren's friend... nice movie heheh... then we had an exam on monday about the computer thingy... lucky i got study.. then paper 1 marks come back.. its around 60++... not telling u exactly how much... paper 2 also 60++... but thursday one all the teory.. i have no idea how much i can get... ok then... today played Final Fantasy XII and then... well listened to songs loh.... nothing much.... ok then.. time to SCRAM! i mean time to start to hit the books ... haih... ok then.. c u guys!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

~Exam Day~ Thursday

Eh... horrible exam! I managed to balance it... but damn.. king oliver's answer is not the same>>>> HAH? what to do... what is past is past... haih.. what can i do about it? Today me and teresa go out and eat after class... we also borrowed some books from the library... to aid us in the LAN subject... today is quite fun... we talked in my grandma's house later... next we went to ah zheng's house to go online and search for the LAN thingy... then... ahhahah... more talking... then we rushed home before his dad came home lol... then of course it is yuan xiao jie... ate a lot.. then played with my younger cousins... the DIN! so noisy... i tickled them and they were all laughing... hahhahaha.... then rushed home and attacked my PS 2... Final Fantasy XII... finally managed to get rid of the bosses... phew... after like... WEEKS of training... hahhaha... well thats all... nothing much... but well... i feel like i've been running up and down the whole day... haih.... well thats all... bye!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

~A Boring Day At Home~ Tuesday

Today.. well... i was supposed to study for thursday's exam with teresa but well... i ended up sleeping... so well.. nothing much.. but my grandad brought back a german shepherd puppy today... quite cute.. but mum brought it to the vet to check up.. apparently it has tick fever... but its fine now.. okay... just finished my hw.. time to go... bye!
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Monday, February 18, 2008

~ LAN is sooo boring~ Monday

Waseh... its been a long day.. I'm so glad to be able to kick back and finally relax. So.. today in the MPW LAN class... I kinda did a bit of music teory.. with valerie's help... and then talked to amelia and chian chen loh... Nothing much really... today i din manage to really disturb king oliver... but well... we're all friends... we play a lot together... I really love.. to bully him... hahhaa... actually usually its him that bully me... but i dont really mind.. seriously... he want bully then let him bully loh... yeah... tomorrow im goin to grandma house to study in the morning with teresa.... so thats about all.... yup.... Thursday got CATP 1 exam, gotta prepare.. okay then... bye!
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Sunday, February 17, 2008

~A Day In INTI college~ Monday

Hmm... its a monday... a LONG day ahead of me... later Brenda will have a meeting with us about the trip to Sematan. Nothing much today.. but we go out eat just now... opposite INTI ... someone ... has bad mood today... not telling who lol... u know i know... lol... today i just talk to king oliver(nickname) about all sorts of stuff... anything and everything under the sun... muahahhaa... tonight valerie and amy is going to teach me music teory again.... DIE... i havent practiced my piano yet.. yesterday ah zheng sent me a video of maksim.... playing the flight of the bumble bee .. great performance... next week is the LAN exam... DIE again... lets see what else i can write... for today... only half the day gone... i still have like... afternoon and night ... to go through.. ARGH!!! OMG... ya.. today teresa got ambushed by a black guy... hahahhaha... and someone saved her... lol.... yup... LUCKILY! lol... and then the black guy just vanished into thin air... ok thats all... bye... to all my friends... thats all for now... c u guys soon!

~ A Day In My Friend's House~

Spent a day in claren's house.. played cards... quite fun actually... apart from the fact that i keep losing.. won once or twice only... the main reason that i stop writing in chinese because damn! Aint it hard to copy and paste... blek ^^... really miss all of my KHS friends... no la... just a few nia.. people like sze li and maybe keren them loh.. i still have amy with me in INTI... muakzz... hehehehe... today claren house open house.... a lot of people come... ah zheng friend is all like leng loi and leng zai de.. so nice ah! Lol... well thats all.. i need to do my moral project... tired now.. bye!
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