Monday, June 16, 2008

~ No News = Good News ~

Aloha... mmph... considering the fact that I m now opening ANOTHER blog... well u guys can simply check this one out... although it will be just like my old one... the aviendlha cafe... well... Lets see...

~No news is good news~

Well... considering the fact that no news IS good news... i would like to bring in some news... *cough* well that means its BAD news... as i have already written in Aviendlha Cafe... my MPW 1133 Malaysian Studies exam has crashed into my CATP 4... i guess i will not bother to repeat it over and over again... hahahha.... well... i would also like to add a few more photos in my Stalkerholic blog tomorrow. Its regarding Happy Father's Day... hahah... we ate at Hui Sing... The Family Cafe... *Smiles* Well... erm... nothing much to add here.... only that i plan to read through 4 lectures tonight and try to finish everything... (the MPW 1133) hopefully i can... i din realy study today... but i got the luxury of sleeping and surfing the net... i got less than 7 days to study for my CATP 4 ... dunk the MPW... hahahah... well.. considering another 3 of my friends are suffering the same fate... nvm then... i got another project to do as well.. for MPW 1133... haih.... k then... cya round.. TATA!!!


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