Thursday, March 6, 2008

~Friday~ End of Week at last

O great! Its a friday, and its at the end of the week.. finally! Ok.. so class at the BGL lab wasnt that bad.. but i managed to survive through mr voon's lab session.. later i got piano too... ok.. lets see what happened the last few days i left my blog.. okay.. last night i called up the 'old gang' and we agreed to meet tomorrow, saturday, at alacard.. to play.. HURRAY! cmon.. what with like 4 mock exams waiting for me to flunk.. i gotta relax today u know .. cmon guys.. pity me a little... oh yeah... about the LAN project.. due date is next monday.. luckily i nearly finshed it. Okay then.. thats all .. bye !

P.S. Gotta really play hard tommorow to make up for the sweet time lost....


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