Tuesday, July 1, 2008

~ First Day In New Semester~

Yikes... Ok... so one of the blacks totally like... "killed Cadie ( paper 6 teacher ) with his harsh tongue " ... i mean a totally scandalized cadie was fuming by the time class ended.. apparently he was complaining about cadie's teaching.. which i found nothing wrong with... haih... and as for Paper 5.. pure theory.. pure nightmare... and of course.. pure english in your "pure" paper 5 essay.. hahahhaa.. can u believe it? Teacher made us write an essay *shakes head* about environmental influences... the PEST... P is political, E is economical, S is Social and T is technological.. swt.... hahaha... well.. if this goes on... i wont have much problem in my coming exam hahhaha... (^.^")


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