Tuesday, December 9, 2008

~Another Ordeal~

Time flies huh? Looking back at the times that have fast passed by.. (Despite of not many happy memories due to an extremely HATED guy that once... nvm... forgiving is always the biggest virtue of all) I have not completely forgiven that guy ... yet... and is also due to him i fell ill... I hate bullies... urgh... (For one i've been bullied ever since i can remember... long story cut short.... I have a passive nature... which once angered becomes highly aggresive... am super sensitive... wish i had inherited my dad's Who Gives A DAMN attitude in the perspective of life? ) But maybe I learnt something else... if u meet bullies ... sometimes u got to stand up to them and fight the LEADER... yup... 擒贼先擒王... anyway... wouldn't want to sound SPITEFUL... but when my friend say tolerance... tolerance... i would highly disagree.... the more u back down... the more they step forward.... its either u give them the total whack down... yeah... they can win 99 times but if u make the case big just that 1 time to make them realize you're not easy to deal with either.... its good enough... (at least i won one time: I wish I did.. ) however... the worst thing about bullies is they gang up on u... they make your surrounding friends ( or at least your classmates begin to hate you too ) You Know What is worst?

The worst is your best friend is stuck in between.. he or she cannot help you either.... but if they say violence only causes more violence... i would say this : WITHOUT VIOLENCE THE WAR WOULD NOT END>>> WHO TOLD YOU THAT HUMANS ARE PEACE MAKERS? WHO SAID THAT? THATS HOW WAR STARTS RIGHT? CMON.... we're human... my friends say take it as a lesson and live on... stop living in the past.... what I think is.... it may be true... but u know what.... I must've been a bully my last life to get this sort of "ill treatment" this life... my mum says... the world is round... what u do.... u will get hit in the face on YOUR judgement day... hmph... not fair.... why do bad guys always survive longer than good guys?

They say people who get bullied when they are young become bullies when they grow up... i say bullshit.... I didn't become a bully in the end.... (the only thing i bullied is my own dog... perhaps... mistreated the poor fellow by playing rough) Well.... I'm not going to bring the case up again... seems like the survival of the FITTEST is forever the survival of THE FITTEST.... either you're on top ... or either you're at the bottom... well... i hope i don't meet any more of that sorta people anymore.... I learnt my lesson... (or did I?) So what did i learn? Tolerance? More tolerance? Perhaps... Never pick a fight with someone else unless u have good cause for it? You think that is right? Well... One thing I did learn though is... 

1. True... don't pick a fight with a strong leader unless u wanna get into trouble..
2. True... tolerance... but not too much.... else you will be perceived as cowardly
3. Don't even think of grabbing the spotlight of any of those people unless you want a     death sentence
4. Just STAY CLEAR..
5. Don't push yourself too hard, but if u cannot stand it it would be time to strike back
6. If u manage to win once in a public place (with lots of people) and really give them       no "face" ... that should do it... Jerks are not allowed to live for long... someone has     to pull them down one day 



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