Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sarawak Audition

Hello peeps! I’m back! Today I‘m going to share to you about my latest audition  国际形象大使。The price money is RM 50,000. 

I got interviewed a few times by the press. I did not enjoy it but it was OK. 

Okay, No updates anyways except a few pictures.

FDS studio has a poster on the wall. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Venma Builder and Talent Audition

I entered for 国际时报健康形象大使 competition. I havent uploaded any videos for my performance yet. Am wreaked out now. They gave me a free photoshoot and free hairstyle makeover. After the first 拉票which I didnt attend I decided to chicken out. But they kept calling me back for more and more upcoming events. 

I was stressed out by assignments and now this audition. I didnt audition for so many meetings at all. With RM 50,000 at stake, I realized I signed up for a big thing. I needed to prepare and preparation was something I didnt have. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sarawak Talent Audition

First of, this is not easy. I didnt think it was this serious. First, we had to go to the newspaper company. Wow. Okay. Then take a photoshoot. I dont know what Im gonna look like there. Reminds me of SoulDance. Where I met the entertainers.

There was a really big picture and I was surprised at the crowd. But for RM 50,000, I could already imagine. I half feel like backing out. 

I went for Saberkas Talent Audition and Borneo VoiceOut Talent Competition but didn't get anything. Now Im really stressed out. I couldnt even find the location at first. I was sure I couldnt make it. Then I found the place. 

I think I will upload my other stuff later. I am really worried about this. Right. Assignments. See you guys and support me ya.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Moving On Moving Out

I moved out. Period. Out of one section of my life.

I've moved on. Period. Out of sticky icky people and their situations.

On the way to new life in FTMS (although it is not really a college)

I've moved on. Towards a newer, better life.

I hope the newer studio is better. I hope things will go fine. There are small people here and there. Everywhere.

I got a new blog. Yay. And I also got a bunch of new games on my PS3.

I also have a new course going on. Its journalism. Non-accounting related.

Am going to live a day at a time and enjoy it. Period.

Got anything new to share?

Nothing much. I just dont wanna sound too emo.

There are lots of competitions in FDS. Yup.

Miss Ivelyn. Miss Keryn. Miss Amy. Miss a lot of people. Miss the people that were there for me when   I was in deep trouble. Like Amy. Ivy. Jason. Maybe even others. The people that saw the worst side of me before seeing my highlights in INTI. Do they rmb me?

I went for a few workshops in FDS. Its ok. 

Mmm.. long story cut short. I dont want anymore social probs. I dont want any friends. I just want more time to achieve my goals and nothing will stand between it. I dont care about love. All I care is to graduate and work. If the love comes Ill take it. If it doesnt I'll just go on with life. 

Acting needy would make things ten times worse. Not studying hard would result in another failed grade. I've been going to gym. Yeah. I've lesser friends to complain to. So I swallow it all in. Probably writing it here once awhile. 

I cant cope with both ACCA and LSJ at the same time. I've decided to just go on with one. Journalism. Period. Perspective of life has changed. I just wanna finish studying and go work. The rest means little now. Very little.

Dancing? I lost the steam of it. I dance for a hobby now. Its to make me happy. Lost much enthusiasm. 

Still feel emo. Damn. Lost so many friends because of one guy. Ridiculous. Guys should never come between your friends and family. You shouldnt ever focus too much on one guy. What happens when he's no longer there?

Okay. I know aye. Ending right here.

Please go to 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Movement of New Blog

Hey peeps! I've a new blog now @

For those that have been reading my blog all this while, thanks!

Please check for further updates

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Len Hwa's Birthday

Happy Birthday to my dear friend Len Hwa in March!

Had a great time eating, having fun and playing Nintendo Wii with my friends.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Be Happy Being Yourself

So how do you be happy being yourself?

Its easy being yourself. But its not easy liking you. You start comparing ya-da,ya-da, then thinking about other's perception.

1. Be Yourself
2. Accept and Forget.
3. Accept and Appreciate.
4. Eliminate!! Eliminate people and places you don't feel comfortable with.
5. Forget others' opinions.
6. Learn to forgive.
7. Enjoy yourself.
8. Learn to have a good laugh everyday.
9. Enjoy what you do.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


我一定要坚持下去... 我要想办法勇敢的活下去... 太大的压力,太大的打击...想开一点 会对自己好一点


Monday, February 4, 2013

Different Mindset

I used to think that I still had time. I used to think that at least I could dance. There was a time I wanted to be the only spotlight in the room. But as time went past I realized how wrong I was. It was hard not to live in the society's perception, where one needed at least a degree in order to survive.
I nearly gave up after I lost my hand for 3 years, but I pushed on, barely breathing as I gasped for the air and time to make it throughout the week. Nowhere near anything on my wishlist, I kept telling myself to have less expectations on myself. Then my friends would keep asking again and again, why change course, when are you going to finish? I had no answer to them.. Only hoping one day someone would see me for who I really was. You never knew what it felt for an eagle to drop 10000 miles to the ground and never be able to fly up again.

Be happy? No. I can't. Sorry

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chinese New Year

Happy Snake Year 2013 peeps! I hope it
will be an abundant year for everyone :)

These pics were taken at metrojaya and spring :) hope all of you enjoy your new year and god bless

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Alvin Leong Academy

I enrolled in this course not so long ago and I hope that I will enjoy it. Photography is another one of my hobbies. Hopefully I can be a journalist that takes photos along with it. Played too much in college and hope that I can pass all my exams soon. 

P.S. Miz college days really bad. *WORK HARD*

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Miss You Everytime I Hear A Song

I really miss the music and the steps... I even miss the silly mistakes you make. I don't even miss the drama boys that much. I have gone to Feasible, dancing with a bunch of young boys lmao. Apparently I'm not the only one suffering relationship probs. I never thought there would be a day I fell for someone until everything broke apart, cutting my own hair, forcing a makeover, trying to pack my schedule ..

Ohh. I don't believe i'll like another guy like that again. 

I hope you're gonna b happy with your new gal. 

Bye forever

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Techno Graphic

A few pics from techno graphic, the place that sells brushes and stuff. Bought a sketch book n other stuff.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

List of Things To Cover

Wishlists for 2013:

1. Pass my LSJ course (2 sem)
2. Pass two papers of ACCA
3. Lose weight ( min 5 kg ) and gym (Yada yada)
4. Get a stable boyfriend
5. Learn makeup, facial & mani-pedicure 
6. Get a merit for piano grade 5
7. Socialize
8. Learn to be more organized ( use a organizer)
9. Try not to compare with my friends too much
10. Have enough money to shop and buy new clothes once a month.
11. Learn to be happy.
12. Graduate in 2 years and start working. (Man am I slow)

Wishlist for this year is rather long. But I am sure I can do it! Good luck peeps! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Boring Lifestyle

I kinda think my life is rather dull now. Extremely dull. I dont have time for my friends, and for one I dont have many, which is another problem. I wanted a few at one time, and effing boring now since I got my wish. I miss you aye, but I know you will never like me, let alone be with me.

Its kinda tough but I think I need to get out there and make some new friends. But I still don't wanna make friends with everyone. Well, school's around the corner in FTMS, hopefully I'll make some new friends then. *Effing bored* *sniffs*

Well, thats about it. See ya chow. 

P.S. I wish I didn't post its rather boring so yea

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