Sunday, June 27, 2010

*Holiday.. & How I Spend My Holiday*

I went out with my old friend Ivy on Friday, two days ago... We went to spring to lim teh and chit chat... We talk about all sorts of nonsense, and she told me some scary stories about how  her friend and her younger sister encountered ghosts... *Shivers* Reminds me of the time how I too.. saw ghosts back at my old house at Kali Garden... Luckily we moved to Kota Samarahan already... Scary man... We did talk about many other things too... And enjoyed ourselves throughly... I've actually not seen her in a year... Kinda miss her actually lol...

I planned another outing with the old primary school gang on Thurs... I hope many people can turn up.... *sighs*  

I am taking ACCA F7 instead of F9 this sem, because F9 timetable timing is rather strange... Friday night and Sunday noon, very strange indeed. F7 is mon morning and tues noon... hope I can wake up on Mon lol...

Another thing, I can't play guitar either, because my hand can't strum the guitar strings ><"
Oh well... I will just have to wait for my hand to get better, because I really can't do much about it... 

That's about everything that's on my mind right now... See ya guys... Bye!! 

Saturday, June 26, 2010

*Tray Cafe With Old Frens*

Tray Cafe

Oreo Crunch ~Yummy~

Kelson & Yan Sheng :P

Kelson & Clement 

The Three Dudes
Kelson, Clement & Yan Sheng

SMILE!! :) Why u guys expression so funny XD

Why only Kel smile? ><"

Me & Shirnyx
Muakzz!! Frenz Forever!!

3 plus 1 
Old Frenz!! XD!!

Great!! Finally everyone is smiling!! LOL

I Love Oreo Crunch!! XD

Me & the old primary school gang went to Tray Cafe to lim teh and keng kai one day before I went to UK... End of May if I'm not mistaken... we had a great time chit chatting... hahah... Enjoyed myself throughly... Hope we can go out again soon... Everyone is going to local uni in july... Hmm... Miss ya guys... For those that are not staying in Kuching or going overseas.... 

Anyway... I'm glad everyone still keep in touch with each other... Hope we will remain friends forever... Take k... U guys!! 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

*What I've Been Up To Recently*

Hey guys, if you've been reading my blog, you've probably noticed I've been pretty active recently on my blog, but that's because I'm on holiday... Lol. I celebrated Father's day with my family on my mother's side, enjoying dinner at 101 with my younger cousins, Jac, Alex and Jerry. I had a great time talking with Jac, where she told me stories about her school life in Kuching High... Reminds me of the time I was still thirteen lol.

I think I'm gonna take up guitar next month while waiting for my hand to heal... Classical guitar. The guitar I'm using is actually my Dad's guitar, a very old one (older than me) but still in great shape. I'm going to take one paper next sem, F9, related to T10.

I'm having a movie marathon recently, and the movies I'm watching are quite old, I mean outdated lol. I only finished watching 花样少年少女 & 海派甜心, that's why those movies ended up in my blog lol. I plan to watch 东方茱丽叶, 天外飞仙 & 浪漫满屋 too. Pretty outdated movies right? lol...

Ok, thats all for now, see ya guys!! Bye!!

海派甜心 *Hi My Sweetheart*

海派甜心 is a movie starred by 杨丞琳 (Rainie Yang) & 罗志祥 (Luo Zhi Xiang). In this movie, 陈宝茱 (Rainie Yang) and 林达浪 (Luo Zhi Xiang) are the main leading role player in the movie. The other sub character, acting as 陈宝珠's 学长 is 何言风 (李威). 

This is a love story between 陈宝珠 & 林达浪... A story where a rich billionaire's son, 薛海... goes to 杭州 to study, in order to rid himself of his overprotective 大姐, who's overly-smothering love make him feel like his always overly protected. In order to disguise his billionaire identity so that he won't be kidnapped, he created a new identity as a boy from a very poor family, using the name of 林达浪. This name is based on the pink panther 粉红顽皮豹, which is 薛海's favourite cartoon when he is small.

There he meets 陈宝珠, who bullies him a lot when they first met, but in the end they fall in love and become a couple. They have been dating for 3 years, when 宝珠's mum suddenly threatens her to break up with 达浪 else she will try to make him unable to graduate from university, for she didn't want her to date a poor guy. 宝珠 writes a note to her mum saying that she will break up with 达浪 and marry someone else in order to deceive her mum. That day so happened to be her birthday, and 达浪 wanted to propose to her for her hand in marriage, but unfortunately she got into a car accident and was unable to make it. 达浪 went to her house to look for her, where her mum showed 达浪 the note that 宝珠 wrote. Heartbroken, 达浪 left her house and vanished into thin air.

3 years later, 宝珠 becomes a DJ at a 电台. She holds a 节目 called 甜心时间, where she keeps trying to find her 丑不拉式香菇头 through live broadcast ... a nickname she called 达浪 when they were dating, for he had a very old-fashioned mushroom haircut. 薛海, or 达浪... overheard the broadcast in his car and bought the entire 电台, just because of 宝珠. He had changed after she dumped him 3 years back, changing his hairstyle and looks, portraying an image of a 又有钱又帅的花花公子. He plans to use 薛海's rich 公子哥身份 to woo 宝珠 again, then dump her for revenge. 

宝珠 never found out till the end, and when she found out they had a big fight, and 薛海 realized his mistake in hurting her so badly he deeply regretted it. She decides to leave her 电台工作 and go overseas with her 学长 - 言风哥。However, that night, an explosion occurred at the 电台, causing a fire break out. 薛海 managed to save 宝珠, but hurt his head in process when a wall fell and hit him hard on the head, resulting in brain damage. He then vanished from the hospital, and everyone was panic stricken trying to find him.

3 months later, 宝珠 and her 学长 found him selling toys by the streets living with another family. He had lost his memory, and did not recognize anyone at all. 宝珠 tried to recover his memory by bringing him to familiar places and doing things they had done together before, but no avail. Then, someone tried to kidnap 薛海 for money, and when they tried to knock him out by hitting his head, he recovered his lost memory of everything, especially of 宝珠, but pretends he doesn't remember her when he regains consciousness.

In the end, 宝珠 found out he was lying when he accidentally sent her an email wishing her happy birthday when he was drunk. She then set him up and in the end gave him a ring, asking if he was willing to marry her. Touched and moved, 薛海 agreed. 

At last, (what a long winded story) they got married, and lived happily ever after.

I like 薛海's haircut, but I definitely don't like 达浪's mushroom haircut... lol. In this movie, Rainie seems very fierce, I'm not used to it lol. In the previous few movies she acted in, like 恶魔在身边, she seemed more gentle and sweet. I would like to give the movie 8.5 out of 10, at least they had a good ending, and the story line wasn't that bad. Haha. Well, that's all for now, thanks for reading guys, see you!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


This movie, 花样少年少女 is actually a very old movie already, starring Ella from S.H.E and 吴尊 as the main leading female and male role. I was rather bored so I decided to finish watching some taiwanese movies that I haven't finished watching recently.... lol....

This movie is about a girl called 瑞希 (Rui Xi) who fell in love with a high jump athlete through TV and transferred to a boy school in Taiwan all the way from America just to get to know the boy 泉  (Quan) <吴尊>. She was forced to dress up as a boy to mingle among the guys .... 女扮男装. She very luckily managed to become Quan's room mate, and soon they became close. Quan soon found out that Rui Xi was a girl, but he kept it a secret because he did not want Rui Xi to leave him if the secret is revealed. Slowly, he too fell in love with Rui Xi. They went through lots of hardships together, where their bond of friendship was tested and also their feelings for each other. In the end Rui Xi almost left the school because her secret as a girl was nearly exposed, but Quan managed to back her up with a cover up story... so she continued to stay at the boy school with him.... Their love story ... Had just begun.... 

It just means this is a fresh new start of a new love story... And it also gives hope to anyone out there seeking for a new start in love... Although i'm not very fond of the ending, I still enjoyed the movie... Haha

Thanks for reading guys!! Bye!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

*SNSD Girl's Generation*

Girls' Generation (Korean소녀시대; 少女時代) is a popular nine-member South Korean girl groupformed by SM Entertainment in 2007. The members are, in order of announcement to be in the group,YoonaTiffanyYuriHyoyeonSooyoungSeohyunTaeyeon (leader), Jessica, and Sunny. They are commonly referred to as SNSD, the acronym of the group's Korean name So Nyeo Shi Dae or So Nyuh Shi Dae, Chinese name Shao Nü Shi Dai, Japanese name ShōJo JiDai.
The group has released two albums and various singles, which went on to achieve commercial success. Their 2009 single "Gee" is the longest-running #1 song on KBS's Music Bank at 9 weeks.[1] That year also saw the girls winning various awards, including Artist of the Year (Daesang) at the Seoul Music Awards andGolden Disk Awards.
The members of the group have had various activities as solo entertainers — acting in various dramas and musicals, hosting various reality-variety shows, and releasing solo singles.

I like their songs Oh... And i especially like their dancing.... hehe.... Nothing much to say about them... but im sure there's much potential in them... lol... thats all folk... bye!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

*Trip To London*

Hyde Park

Mum, Me and Aunt Dominique

Burmingham Palace

Burmingham Palace Gate Sculpture

Britain's Queen's Guards

Queen's Guards Marching By!! XD

Aunt Dominique, Mum & Dad

Mr Squirrel from Green Park

People Enjoying Themselves On Nice Green Lawn

Me Under A Big Tree

Tower of Big Ben

Ferris Wheel At London Bridge

Me... Hot Sun ><"

Big Ben Tower


London Bridge

St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral

Monument of Queen Anne

Queen Anne's Monument

Harrods Shopping Complex

Dedication to Lady Diana

I went to UK... London for 5 days... enjoyed my trip throughly... met Aunt Dominique my mum's pen pal... went to nice places like Hyde Park, Green Park & also Burmingham Palace... Bought lots of shoes there... and also went to Harrods... A more detailed journal is written in my starevangel blog... Go check it out if u want to... Really enjoyed my trip there despite i got sick...

That's all guys... tata!! Thanks for reading!!


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