I don't have IQ 200 or EQ 200 but I still have to get that stupid degree. I also don't want to
experience another round of school plus college (another school).
I don't want anymore girls attacking me. I don't want anymore popular guys after me. I also don't want any girls bickering or gossiping around me
FAME doesn't have many students so imma safe.
I don't like popular kids, but when I became one I wasn't mean to others. I was the 'well-liked' popular. "I thought so"
I will not forget Decole and Pin Wei for giving me the avalanche in high school and soul dance. I will also steer clear of charismatic guys.
I need to get to that video done. My first paycheck. For some time.
I hope I can get another project done. However, when I'm not having another mood swing, people do like me. However, if people keep getting jealous of me, I cant do anything right?
Brother Bernard keeps telling me I'm lack of love.
True? False?
My mum is happy when she is slimmer and prettier than me.