Monday, November 30, 2015


Im a lil bit sleepy atm, but i just cant sleep.

My frens are busy dating, working, studying etc.

I am currently writing this blog so that I can update it and also share my feelings

I wonder what happened to my other blogger frens

I also wonder, what happened to my frens that are dating

Angel's mum passed away

I ran into Chris today n he gave me lecture on how to lose weight, with Jason at the Phoenix Gym roadshow.

Okay. I wish I was still 20 n frolicking with the drama boys.

I will style my hair tomorrow to look great on the outing with Ivy.

There is lotsa things to do, lotsa things to learn.

Okay. Thats all

Friday, November 27, 2015

Makeover In Progress

Well, Ive forgotten about dancing and entertainment life. I am otw to make myself slim again. K?

To boost my self esteem. Lolz

Nvr fall for another handsome popular guy. Lol

Ps. B Happy n Pass Exam

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