Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Alvin Leong Academy

I enrolled in this course not so long ago and I hope that I will enjoy it. Photography is another one of my hobbies. Hopefully I can be a journalist that takes photos along with it. Played too much in college and hope that I can pass all my exams soon. 

P.S. Miz college days really bad. *WORK HARD*

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Miss You Everytime I Hear A Song

I really miss the music and the steps... I even miss the silly mistakes you make. I don't even miss the drama boys that much. I have gone to Feasible, dancing with a bunch of young boys lmao. Apparently I'm not the only one suffering relationship probs. I never thought there would be a day I fell for someone until everything broke apart, cutting my own hair, forcing a makeover, trying to pack my schedule ..

Ohh. I don't believe i'll like another guy like that again. 

I hope you're gonna b happy with your new gal. 

Bye forever

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Techno Graphic

A few pics from techno graphic, the place that sells brushes and stuff. Bought a sketch book n other stuff.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

List of Things To Cover

Wishlists for 2013:

1. Pass my LSJ course (2 sem)
2. Pass two papers of ACCA
3. Lose weight ( min 5 kg ) and gym (Yada yada)
4. Get a stable boyfriend
5. Learn makeup, facial & mani-pedicure 
6. Get a merit for piano grade 5
7. Socialize
8. Learn to be more organized ( use a organizer)
9. Try not to compare with my friends too much
10. Have enough money to shop and buy new clothes once a month.
11. Learn to be happy.
12. Graduate in 2 years and start working. (Man am I slow)

Wishlist for this year is rather long. But I am sure I can do it! Good luck peeps! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Boring Lifestyle

I kinda think my life is rather dull now. Extremely dull. I dont have time for my friends, and for one I dont have many, which is another problem. I wanted a few at one time, and effing boring now since I got my wish. I miss you aye, but I know you will never like me, let alone be with me.

Its kinda tough but I think I need to get out there and make some new friends. But I still don't wanna make friends with everyone. Well, school's around the corner in FTMS, hopefully I'll make some new friends then. *Effing bored* *sniffs*

Well, thats about it. See ya chow. 

P.S. I wish I didn't post its rather boring so yea

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