Saturday, August 13, 2011

21st Birthday @ 14th July 2011

Happy B'Day to meeee!!! XP

Me making a wish :P 

Me and Amelia :) 

Dennis talking to a 'wiping mouth' Decole while Ivelyn is busy eating... 

Elmo taking pics :) 

DSC Evilz.. Dream Striver Crew Evilyn!! Oh yea!!

Decole, Pau Horng, Me and Li Gen :) 

 Mel and Gid chilling out on the stairs :P 

WTH? Luther!! U are not allowed to eat when taking pics!! 

Finally everyone is taking good poses in the pic... @@

Well... it was an eventful day although it was kinda tiring (VERY actually) but thanks to Keryn for taking the pics yea!! Thanks to all of u guys for coming to my 21st party!! Its a bit late, but I would still like to post this memorable day up here on bloggy.. XD


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