Thursday, August 25, 2011


Well, todays topic is about people and why some people don't mix. In the society we have every single type of weird behaviour that is possibly imaginable. Some people just don't click, and if that person requires change, that certain someone must be given some time to change. In most cases, most people cant or find it very hard to change, so if you cant accept that person for who they are, maybe its better not to be friends with them in the first place, or... I really don't know how should I put this, but human behaviour is a very complex thing....

Another thing is gossip kills. One should never underestimate the power of words. Therefore. Try to think twice before you say something that you may regret for life. Yes. Talking from personal experiences. 

But I want to conclude is, think twice before u act or say something irrationally, but also try to be yourself. U cant please everyone, and u cant live in fear of rejection. Just be happy with who you are, and if that person can truly accept who you are, then that is a REAL friend.


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