Saturday, November 5, 2011

~ Entertainer's Night~

Hmm.. Alright yaw... There's nothing much to say I guess...

I ain't gonna post any pics or anything.. so I guess this post is gonna be pretty boring.. doubt any friends would be dropping by to see mah blog... 

Lets see.. my last post was in aug.. its nov... Almost end of 2011.. 

Well... I am MIA (Missing In Action) for some time now... The only people I see is the people I see and come in touch with is the peeps in the dance studio... Evon, Decole, Ivelyn.. and the others... Speaking of which... I went for entertainer's night last night.. It was held at Crown Square... It was ... well... entertaining I should say... but I kinda felt outta place because it felt like a nightclub... Plus the bands singing were... maybe I don't like rock music lol.. But Chillies (Cheryl them) did put on an excellent show... Yup... Hotties.. I think the camera crew couldn't get enough of them... 

I did rather felt out of place, but Decole (my dance instructor) did try to comfort me... hahah.. I must've looked a lil bit scared... ><" His first sentence was: Why are u so boring? You're supposed to get high with the crowd... *Feeling annoyed* Me >> Opened my mouth to protest... "First time here... Don't feel comfortable..." "Its alright.. anyways... tonight... most of the entertainment world people are here.." Yeah... I could see that... I saw all sorts of night life people last night.. It was really smoky man... But I guessed I got used to the noise and smoke after awhile..

At around 12 AM... Gotsoul blasted down the stage with their popping crew ... Keo, Bernard, CJ and Wu Jun.. Man.. That was really awesome... I screamed till hoarse.. lol... I think that was the only thing that made me high the whole night... Keo is really a great entertainer... I wasnt the only one that screamed... It wasn't that the audience screamed to support him when he freestyled... it was just that he really knew how to get the crowd going... Yea... Plus he does motivate me sometimes in studio during dance class when I feel moody or demotivated to dance.. Yupz... owe u one Keo... =)

I guess lots of things happened yesterday... Hahha... Well... At least I managed to drag myself out of the house... Get to have some activities.. lol...

Well..  I support Soul Dance!! You guys motivate me to do better yaw!! One day I'll be as good as u guys... Nice to have someone to look up to...


Thursday, August 25, 2011


Well, todays topic is about people and why some people don't mix. In the society we have every single type of weird behaviour that is possibly imaginable. Some people just don't click, and if that person requires change, that certain someone must be given some time to change. In most cases, most people cant or find it very hard to change, so if you cant accept that person for who they are, maybe its better not to be friends with them in the first place, or... I really don't know how should I put this, but human behaviour is a very complex thing....

Another thing is gossip kills. One should never underestimate the power of words. Therefore. Try to think twice before you say something that you may regret for life. Yes. Talking from personal experiences. 

But I want to conclude is, think twice before u act or say something irrationally, but also try to be yourself. U cant please everyone, and u cant live in fear of rejection. Just be happy with who you are, and if that person can truly accept who you are, then that is a REAL friend.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

30 Days Hunger Event @ Inti with SoulDance

SoulDance group photo

Keo and Cheryl... Both of them look great popping :)

Me & Cheryl.. 

This is Cheryl... She always looks cool... 

Ivelyn and Cheryl 

Peace out yo!! Gurlz!!

We had a dancing performance at inti for the 30 Days Hunger Event on saturday .. not mistaken shud be 6th of august.. or was it a sunday o.0 .... anyways ^o^ have nice time hanging out with u guys yo....

Saturday, August 13, 2011

21st Birthday @ 14th July 2011

Happy B'Day to meeee!!! XP

Me making a wish :P 

Me and Amelia :) 

Dennis talking to a 'wiping mouth' Decole while Ivelyn is busy eating... 

Elmo taking pics :) 

DSC Evilz.. Dream Striver Crew Evilyn!! Oh yea!!

Decole, Pau Horng, Me and Li Gen :) 

 Mel and Gid chilling out on the stairs :P 

WTH? Luther!! U are not allowed to eat when taking pics!! 

Finally everyone is taking good poses in the pic... @@

Well... it was an eventful day although it was kinda tiring (VERY actually) but thanks to Keryn for taking the pics yea!! Thanks to all of u guys for coming to my 21st party!! Its a bit late, but I would still like to post this memorable day up here on bloggy.. XD

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Universal Studio at Los Angeles

Universal Studio!! Oh Yea Baby!! Nicest Movie Theme Park I've ever been to..

Me and Da Horse

*Neigh * Neigh!! Say Hi to Mr Horsey!! 

Universal Studio water fountain... this is where they make the movies babeh :P 

Me and Hop 'Da Rabbit!! Cheese!! 

Fast and Furious 5 !! Oh yeah!! Hot cars and sexy babes!! 

Me on big biker (Me, Myself and I) :P 

Me and dear mum :) 

Dad and Mum... Happy happy!! 

Who wants to play at a mini water park? Yea!! Lets get wet people !! 

Say Hi to Donkey from Shrek!! Donkey's Waffles Stand!!

I really enjoyed my time in LA Universal Studio.... really great theme park, the ticket cost a bomb but it was worth it. We went to watch Terminator 3D, Water World, Shrek 4D, Jurrasic Park Water Rollercoaster, King Kong 4D and also the Universal Studio stage tours and special effects!! It was totally awesome!! A must go if u go to USA!! The rest of my pictures are in facebook, check it out peeps!! Okey dokey, time to call it a day, catch 'ya later people!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Holiday in America

Hmm... hello readers... I know I haven't been updating recently, but what exactly would u guys like to hear about? Lol...

Well, first off, lets start off with my trip to USA... first time in states, damn hard to get the visa ya know... And when we got the visa it was ''Hooray!! Here we come babeh!!" Oh yeah... Hahahah.... Okay enough with the introductory already, we aren't here to read bull crap right?

Okay, lets see what I remember.. umm... first off is Los Angeles... We reached LA first and damn it, the transit in Taipei was kinda... annoying... yup!! Can't really describe why it was annoying, but thats not the case.. anyways... We landed in LA and the first thing I did was to whisk out a camera (can't blame an overexcited-never-landed-before-in-states-girl can you =P) and the officer ordered me to put it away.... (dang!! but at least my dear camera wasn't confisticated) I guess no photo shoots at the airport then... and then we headed out to the first hotel we stayed at LA, which if I am not mistaken is Travel Lodge. My parents then had a 'debate' where to go and we decided to go to Universal Studio (It will be up in the next post when I get back to town) ... then head to San Fransisco to visit my uncle....

Universal Studio... here's a brief introduction to this wonderful movie-theme-park ... Its where they produced all sorts of movies for Hollywood, dang I love it here, not to mention that I went to all sorts of fun and cool places like the Terminator 3D, which was totally awesome, it was some sort of real life science fiction drama where the actors could seemingly walk in and out the screen (Don't ask me how they did I - I have totally no idea but it was cool all the same) and also the water roller coaster Jurassic Park (the last bit was a T Rex head hanging over you right before you dropped twenty feet down into the depths of the darkness and then sploosh!!!) and then also Shrek 4D movie... (4D has moving seats and some sort of water squirting special effects) ... the best was probably the King Kong ride (man!! I seriously thought the dinosaur was going to eat us! damn it was sooo real!!) and and and... *takes a deep breath* Water World!! Oh yea!! That was by far the best!! With their jet skiing and amazing stunts ( not to mention real time explosions - real gasoline ) and also I had to admire their superb acting ... very nice ( will come up next post I PROMISE) really gave me an insight of what excellent real life drama was all about...

Next we headed down to San Fransisco with the American Express Airline, damn I was pissed... (we had to wait a day at the airport as we were using jump seats... ) but when I reached San Fransisco, turmoil ended and bliss started... lmao...

Generally everyday consisted of eating superb food, sight-seeing and .. SHOPPING!! oh yea! *oops*... will upload photos asap.... when I go back... hahax...

Okay, heading to LA tomorrow then taking the plane back, sayonara San Fransisco!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Recent Happenings

Today is Melvin's birthday..... I ain't got no pictures so I am not gonna post any. I keep going out with Gideon and Melvin recently... yup.... but why do I think there is a darker side of... nevermind. I ran into Decole today, and he greeted me, so I was kinda surprised, well, get to see him in dance class tonight too.

Recent happenings.... well... sorta 'reconciled' with one of my other drama club friends... called up another friend and she just had a hairdo... somehow I just feel that my hair colour is not light enough, its really too light....

Hung out with Luther, Gid and Gid's younger bro for lunch, then talked to Mel after that with Gid at Tabuan. I kinda doubt anyone will seriously read my blog though...

Made friends with a girl named Keryn at dance studio, she's a sweet girl :) Really like her.

Let me see... anything else? Well this week I went out with old primary school friends at Spring starbucks, talked lotsa crap... hahah... Kel and Sze.... nice meeting up with u guys... Sorry I forgot to pass u your KL souvenir... 

Gid and Mel came to my house several days ago too to cook and clean, I cooked lamb steak and Gid cooked fries, and Mel cleaned up. It was overall okay... I meant my steak ><"

Lastly... was browsing through facebook and found out that CJ had a new blog a.k.a half his and half Soul Dance blog.... so decided to post it in fb... hahax....

Anything else? Yeah... club exhibition next week and I still havent figured out what to sell... plus I'm in charge of decorating two clubs' notice board, my own, ACCA club and the drama club... Phew... busier than ever... After my exam become even busier...

Um... um.. umm.. what else have I left out? Oh yeah... I am gonna enroll for new subjects next sem... should be either F9 or F7... yupx.... 

Okay that about sums everything all up... oh yeah. Going to Los Angeles on 25th June!! Oh yea here I come! *Woots* Going there for 10 days... Lucky me... *jigs*

Em... okay thats all. (I think) *scratches head and falls deep in thought* Yeah. Thats definitely all. Hope I don't bore you at all readers. Have a pleasant day and drop a comment if u feel like it :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

World Of Egg and Stars

A friend of mine, Darren gave me the egg coinbox as a souvenir from China. Thanks again... Really like it

I scattered some handmade small stars around the cute egg as decoration for my photoshoot... Enjoy the pics people... Busy studying, so lazy to update so often....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cup Designs

This is for Tavia

This was the one I wanted to give Gideon but... I realized it wasn't appropriate.... 

This is the one I decided to get for Gideon....

Busy designing cups.... I'm planning to get one for mum and dad on mother's and father's day too... And of course on my best friend's birthday!! Enjoy reading people!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Kado With Xpression Drama Club

This is Kado Cafe. It is located behind Lok Thian Restaurant at MBKS area

Gideon seems to be enjoying himself :)

Whats wrong with my hair here? Lol

Now this is better.. Hair I mean...

We picked a spot where we could play the aeroplane board game lol....

Gideon u look like a gangster lol...

Darren and me... He was sick that day...

Gideon in his 'cute' mode ... @@

Smile Darren!! Love this pic

For some reason I wasn't feeling too well either... Darren sick, me giddy @@

Gideon and Monty look cool here...

Melvin 'feeding' Luther beer.. lol

It looks as if I was drinking beer too =.=''

Gideon looks handsome in this pic... lol...

Now he looks formal, that proves how important hairstyles are to guys...

Melvin playing with his smartphone...

Last saturday we had a gathering at Kado, really enjoyed myself a lot... Hanging out with those bunch of guys :P Pity Darren was sick though... Hmm... Me, Gideon and Luther watched Rango at star cineplex and went to Hock Lee at noon before we had dinner at Kado. We played the aeroplane board game at first before we got chased away because apparently someone else booked the table for the night.

Had a nice time with u guys! Looking forward to the next outing! ^^"

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