Tuesday, May 25, 2010

*Recent Stuff*

ok.. here's what happened recently... Firstly... nothing eventful is happening in my life lol.... Exams are around the corner though.... 16 June is my 3rd attempt on CAT paper 10. Amelia's taking ACCA F4 and F5.... all the best to her.... Len Hwa is taking ACCA F8 and P1... all the best to him too....

Tonight I'm having class again... Dance class I mean.... New Jazz... I'm actually thinking of dropping belly dance class to join Hip Hop dance class... Which yes... I've already decided to drop the belly dance class... As I'm not progressing any further... Hmmm.... 

Next month...I mean the start of june... I'm going to go for badminton class.... I'm striving at all costs to get out of the house... And I simply don't understand why everytime I buy a new dvd sure the dvd rosak.... *sighs* 

Lets see... For the next half year... I'm supposed to:

  1. Lose weight (3-5kg)
  2. Finish CAT
  3. Learn Driving (MUST)
  4. Stay Sane =="
I hope by taking up more sports I can make my life more "colourful" (more like meaningful) I plan to take up as many activities as I can to keep my mind off stress.... Better busy than to drift around lifelessly... True? I'm sure you guys do agree with me... My life is definitely a lot more boring compared to other teenagers.... or rather (since I'm already 19 going 20 ) >> going to be consented young adults.... 

Perhaps u guys think I live a very 自由自在的生活.... but actually truth is I don't get the opportunity to play hard... Because if I do... I WOULD. Hmm... never mind.... I'm going to uk for holiday on the 1st of June... be back on the 5th of June. Strange timing... having a holiday right before my exams... lol....

My dad's motto is : Study Hard, Play Hard.... Problem is.... I don't "do" hard on either... meaning I don't study hard OR play hard... ==" .. lame... lol...

Hopefully something more interesting will pop up in my life... My friends say my life 多姿多彩... I don't think so.... The idea in life is to continue improving myself.... Life is short... And it is in your own hands to decide what you wanna do with it... Either you wanna make it more interesting or you wanna make it more productive.... You choose. Thank for reading. God Bless and may everyone have a bright new day.


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