Monday, September 21, 2009

*Time Flies*


When u look back, at da smiles, da tears u've been thru.. u suddenly begin to appreciate the people around u...

More birthdays have passed and u feel kinda old... but at the same time u feel glad that now u're actually old enough to experience some of da thgs in life...

And yet... u wish that u were still a child.. happily frolicking in a world of blue skies and fleecy white clouds... when one was still innocent, young and naive... Where ignorance was a bliss, and all one bothered was to get the next ice cream on a bright sunny day

Its a blessing to have sweet childhood memories... For they are priceless treasures, reminders of the once naive 'us'

P.S. My mum dished out a 4 year old pic of me this morning... keeps telling me that i was so cute when i was a kid... -.-"


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