Friday, November 27, 2009




Is it That Simple? Can u really forgive someone? Can u really forget, even after u forgive?
God Has Asked Me To Let Go , To Forgive, And Enjoy His Blessings...

One cannot live in Anger and Hate Forever
But... How many of Us can truly forgive?

How Many?

*Taunted by horrible Memories*

Wednesday, September 30, 2009



Have u ever wondered when exams are gonna be over? u pass this one... the next one comes along.. or worse... u dont pass it... u needa REPEAT it!!


I feel tired

Can't sleep

Feel Fat

Feel Sad for no particular reason

Feel Sick'

Overall = Feel like shit


At least i don have frenship probs or love probs or family probs

But .. stress management level is very low... poor stress management

*sigh again* Oct dy... tiam me... exams...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The name Cello is an abbreviation of the Italian violoncello, which means "little violone", referring to the violone ("big viol"), the lowest-pitched instrument of the viol family, the group of string instruments that were superseded by the violin family. Thus, the name carries both an augmentative "-one" ("big") and a diminutive "-cello" ("little"). By the turn of the twentieth century, it had grown customary to abbreviate the name violoncello to 'cello, with the apostrophe indicating the six missing prefix letters. It now is acceptable to use the name "cello" without the apostrophe and as a full designation. Cellos are tuned in fifths, starting with C2 (two octaves below middle C) as the lowest string, followed by G2, D3, and A3. It is tuned the same way as the viola, only an octave lower.

Among the most well-known Baroque works for the cello are J. S. Bach's six unaccompanied Suites. From the Classical era, the two concertos by Joseph Haydn in C major and D major stand out, as do the five sonatas for cello and pianoforte of Beethoven which span the important three periods of his compositional evolution. Romantic era repertoire includes the Schumann Concerto, the Dvořák Concerto as well as the two sonatas and the Double Concerto by Brahms. Compositions from the early 20th century include Elgar's Cello Concerto in E minor, Debussy's Sonata for Cello and Piano and unaccompanied cello sonatas by Zoltán Kodály and Paul Hindemith. The cello's versatility made it popular with composers in the mid- to late twentieth century such as Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Britten, Ligeti and Dutilleux, encouraged by soloists who specialized in contemporary music (such as Siegfried Palm and Mstislav Rostropovich) commissioning from and collaborating with composers.

I cant tell u much about cello now cause i havent learnt it yet.. but ive decided to learn it in 2 years time... my fav song so far is prelude by bach (cello) hahaa

*Quote : Heartache*

*Quote : Heartache*
Have u ever wondered what it feels to fall in love? Or maybe to lose your love...
A smile .. a gentle flutter of heart... A stab of pain when rejection comes along...

Have u ever appreciated him/her until that dearly beloved is gone?

  1. Its fair to u, not fair to me .. But have u ever wondered if whats fair to me is unfair to u?
  2. Its your fault, not mine ... Is that true? No one is wrong all the time
  3. I'm sorry, please forgive me ... Have u overdone it? Maybe... thats why no second chance..
  4. You're supposed to listen to what I say ... Everyone has their own opinion, learn to take and give
  5. Dont take him/her for granted ... they are always there for u.. but supposedly one day they get fed up?
  6. I'm not wrong ... Are u sure? Crosscheck? people blame the other person first before blaming themselves... human nature...
  7. Will I survive without u? ... Yes I can... I may think its impossible now.. but... even if there is no one like you in this world, there is always a better someone out there somewhere...
  8. I feel depressed ... Cheer up... Its not the end of da world, you dont know your own value... believe that you can find someone better that him/her .... Even though self confidence has been shattered... Remember.. When one door closes, another opens, u just need to face the open one and stop facing the closed one
  9. Why it hurts so much? ... Because we've been through so much together, only to hurt each other... Feeling exhausted and wasted... For now, one advice - Time may heal in most cases, but if its impossible to forget, please just keep that person as a sweet memory and try to move on
  10. Easier said than done to forget ... True.. but not da end of the world... you have your supportive friends.. to cheer u up when u are down, to make sure that you are still eating properly, studying properly, perhaps 'living' properly

PS No names mentioned here.. but this is for my dear friend who has been thru heartache... u know who u are.. cheer up my dear...

Monday, September 21, 2009

*Time Flies*


When u look back, at da smiles, da tears u've been thru.. u suddenly begin to appreciate the people around u...

More birthdays have passed and u feel kinda old... but at the same time u feel glad that now u're actually old enough to experience some of da thgs in life...

And yet... u wish that u were still a child.. happily frolicking in a world of blue skies and fleecy white clouds... when one was still innocent, young and naive... Where ignorance was a bliss, and all one bothered was to get the next ice cream on a bright sunny day

Its a blessing to have sweet childhood memories... For they are priceless treasures, reminders of the once naive 'us'

P.S. My mum dished out a 4 year old pic of me this morning... keeps telling me that i was so cute when i was a kid... -.-"

*Hand Prob*

Unability to write :

For some reason... hand cannot :

  • Play PIANO properly
  • type on keyboard
Im worried.. but as amelia said.. "wake me up when sept ends" i will recover by end of sept..


*Sze Li a.k.a Shirnyx 19th Birthday*

Sze's birthday cake... handmade by pei ching!! hahaha

Fong Ning and me

Me and Lin Hui da sexy gurl

Birthday Girl >> Sze and Maker of Birthday Cake ~ Pei Ching

Smile Pei Ching!! Kena bully by Lin Hui ar?? Nvm la.... Wakeke...

I Pinch u *PINCH PINCH* and U Slap Me * WHACK!! * No la.. pose aja...

Lin Hui take Sze and Fong Ning pic.. i take three of them de pic.. XOXO

Sze and Fong Ning
*Dynamic Duo Beauties*

I love my cake!! Take pic take pic!!

On 7th of Sept was my best friend's Sze's birthday... She was reluctant to admit she was .. yup.. one year older and needa say good bye to her '18 year old' but.. cmon.. now is like youth prime time haha.. Besides u don look any older just more mature so no complains dear.. hehee...

We went with Fong Ning (ex Song Kheng Highian) and Lin Hui and Pei Ching... i left earlier though.. didnt even manage to sample her nice cake :(

Happy Birthday Gurl!! Best Frenz 4eva!!

P.S. Im glad u liked ur birthday present!!

*Out with KHS frenz*

Lydia and me... So long didnt see ah Dia dy hehe *^^*

Sze Li (left) Lesley (Middle) Zhong Jia (Right)
Three beauties... hehez

Sze Li (left) and Lesley (Right)
My two dear frenz...

Nice scenery of da place we eat.. Zhong Jia uncle's cafe.. forgot name..

This is also another delayed post... approximately 2 or 3 days after i met keren and amy... got to see da gurlz ~ Lesley, Lydia, Zhong Jia & Sze Li.. and da guys ~ Xiang, Noah, Raymond.. not so close to them so didnt take their pics...

Im lazy to write so much so just enjoy the pics then!! XOXO ^0^"

~Spring~ Me *Stalkerz*, Keren *Choco* & Amy *Randomnezz*

Spring Coffee Bean

Keren wiz spoon in mouth
*Nice Creme Burerre*

Keren chattin with amy while enjoying creme burrere

Amy!!! Cute gal.. eating creme burrere..

Here's da creme burerre i was talking bout whole day already

What a lovely smile on Amy's cute face... XD

Keren chatting with sumone.. at apple doughnut store

Tiffany (left) Keren (middle) Amy (Right)
Ze *Threesome*

Me under a Frog Candy .. croak?

Cute Amy .. erm who's dat stranger looking into the camera too?

I went to spring with amy and keren quite some time ago... wish flo could have come too though... i couldnt believe she sent noah *tricked noah* actually to come instead of her...
it was rainin.. noah had no umbrella and parked outside spring... poor noah had to go under da rain.. *sigh*

Sunday, August 2, 2009

*Old Primary School Outing*

I have delayed this post for way too long already... this pics were taken with my old song kheng hai friends (primary classmates) somewhere in aug.. 1st day of kch fest... o well..

Inside these pics are me, sze li, eileen, yan sheng, chiu hui, clement, kelson, jia xiang and joanne.. enjoy!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

*A Sentimental Thought* Secret - Jay Chou Movie

hmm... i watched 'secret' by jay chou yesterday... it was a really a touching story... i never watched it before.. and i nearly cried when i watched it yesterday on astro.. *sniff*

Its about a love story about a girl and a boy... where the girl (Little Rain) travelled faster ahead time when she played an old piano piece she found underneath the piano... and she met a boy (Jay) 20 years ahead of her time... and he was the only person who could see her...

She told the story to her teacher... but he didnt believe her... and thought she needed some help... Her classmates bullied her and thought she was mentally ill...

On the boy's part... He too fell in love with the girl... But later he realized that she was invisible to everyone except him... Almost as if she was a ghost...

It was a touching story... I loved the way they played piano together...

Romantic heart *flutters*

I think most of you guys know this story... I wont bother going through the details...

P.S. Now i keep listening to that song Secret from that movie.. *sighs*


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