Friday, February 8, 2013

Be Happy Being Yourself

So how do you be happy being yourself?

Its easy being yourself. But its not easy liking you. You start comparing ya-da,ya-da, then thinking about other's perception.

1. Be Yourself
2. Accept and Forget.
3. Accept and Appreciate.
4. Eliminate!! Eliminate people and places you don't feel comfortable with.
5. Forget others' opinions.
6. Learn to forgive.
7. Enjoy yourself.
8. Learn to have a good laugh everyday.
9. Enjoy what you do.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


我一定要坚持下去... 我要想办法勇敢的活下去... 太大的压力,太大的打击...想开一点 会对自己好一点


Monday, February 4, 2013

Different Mindset

I used to think that I still had time. I used to think that at least I could dance. There was a time I wanted to be the only spotlight in the room. But as time went past I realized how wrong I was. It was hard not to live in the society's perception, where one needed at least a degree in order to survive.
I nearly gave up after I lost my hand for 3 years, but I pushed on, barely breathing as I gasped for the air and time to make it throughout the week. Nowhere near anything on my wishlist, I kept telling myself to have less expectations on myself. Then my friends would keep asking again and again, why change course, when are you going to finish? I had no answer to them.. Only hoping one day someone would see me for who I really was. You never knew what it felt for an eagle to drop 10000 miles to the ground and never be able to fly up again.

Be happy? No. I can't. Sorry

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chinese New Year

Happy Snake Year 2013 peeps! I hope it
will be an abundant year for everyone :)

These pics were taken at metrojaya and spring :) hope all of you enjoy your new year and god bless


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