Sunday, July 1, 2012

Love & Passion

In actual fact I don't know what to write today. So I think I'll just talk about love and passion.

As a matter of fact, I don't really like accounting, but I've decided to pursue it just to finish up with it. Another thing is I've decided to change to journalism. It wouldn't be easy but I'll try my best. Accounts had never been my thing.

Enough of prep talking... Today I'm going to share something about love and passion (related to your future career *yada* *yada*)

Someone once told me... Follow your passion and dreams - that was my uncle in US. He is a damn good philosopher, and I would say he is a 'street wise' uncle. I really admired him. His books in his room was .. phew.. stacks and stacks and stacks... If only you grabbed a single book and read it... I swear you could already open up a library with just solely a single room (lmao)

I really admired my uncle Ah Thor. He went to US when he was young... and according to my dad, he opened up like.. two to three restaurants before and couldn't manage them properly, so he went bust. When he left Cebu, he took some money from the family and my grandmum had to pay off some debts. My dad labelled him as the black sheep of the family... but I think that wasn't the case... It seemed that the states.. had moulded him into a better person. From Dad's description of Uncle, I was pretty skeptical that he had to stay with us for a month or two (considering the fact I was already skeptical about the weird family tree on my dad's side) and I gave him a cold shoulder at first. It was only then I realized he was the only one (I would say the only ONE) amongst my dad's relatives that could think OUT of the box... Which probably was why he was successful... In the U.S.

He loved collecting antiques. Yup. The house was FULL of them. I thought that I was going to be living in a buddhist temple when I landed on his doorstep. *Wow* I thought. So many GODDAMN old artifacts. I carefully examined each and every one of them in detail, and I realized that Uncle Thor had plenty of the Yau's family culture ingrained in him. Let's be brief.. My grandmum (Dad's Mom) is good in chinese literature and 毛笔. I think I'm getting sidetracked here. Uncle Thor told me that you if you do what you love in life, you'll never work a day of your life... meaning... if you do what you love, you won't feel the pressure of doing so, because that is your passion. Let's say he loves artifacts, so if he opens up an antique shop, he won't feel the pressure of the his so-called job because he enjoys collecting artifacts. 

Back to ME. Lol. I love dancing. Secretly I would like to become a full time dancer one day. But to me that's still a dream come true. It'll be pretty nice right? I don't mind to train harder. Even if I don't remember half the steps. I guess I won't give up my dream. Hope you guys won't too. It's nice to have a dream. 

Thanks for reading peeps. <3

P.S. I think I once had a mentor that taught me the same love and passion concept. Cheers XD


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