Wednesday, June 6, 2012


We reminisce when we haven't known happiness... Is that true? Or have I been living in the dark for too long.... Not appreciating the good memories... and engulfed down by the sorrowful ones ....

I never really appreciated the care... and the joy... of friends, family etc... (Love is an exception)
I used to write so many love articles.... I used to have guys chasing me... (Prolly because of appearance)

A fren said... "If a guy likes you, and you don't.. you'll be able to recognize it and feel it"
                    "If you like a guy, and he doesn't like you... He'll find a way to avoid you..."
                    "If you like a guy, and he likes you, both of you can't feel it," *HUH?*

Finished swallowing the mars and venus book (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)


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