Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

This is a simple present to my mum for Mother's Day... Sorry about the late delay on my posts... Kinda coped up lately with my own stuff and in my own little world... I'm not sure if she really liked it.. (It's a pair of earrings) Hmm... Hard to see my pessimistic mum happy about anything at all.. (Alright, enough of the complaints already T.T) 

Bought this at Spring... Mum said the earrings didn't itch.. Duh... (Made in Korea) So I guessed she appreciated it after all.. Hmm... 

Cutting the emo-ness outta my system...

This was an old bookmark I made when I was still a young girl... 12 Dec 2003 @ Holiday Tuition Programme. I thought it would look sweet along with my post so I decided to put it up. 

Love is bitter yet sweet
More bitter than medicine
Yet sweeter than honey
Love is yours and mine
Tearfully we break apart
But our love shall last forever

Gracias peeps :D
Have a nice day


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