Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cup Designs

This is for Tavia

This was the one I wanted to give Gideon but... I realized it wasn't appropriate.... 

This is the one I decided to get for Gideon....

Busy designing cups.... I'm planning to get one for mum and dad on mother's and father's day too... And of course on my best friend's birthday!! Enjoy reading people!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Kado With Xpression Drama Club

This is Kado Cafe. It is located behind Lok Thian Restaurant at MBKS area

Gideon seems to be enjoying himself :)

Whats wrong with my hair here? Lol

Now this is better.. Hair I mean...

We picked a spot where we could play the aeroplane board game lol....

Gideon u look like a gangster lol...

Darren and me... He was sick that day...

Gideon in his 'cute' mode ... @@

Smile Darren!! Love this pic

For some reason I wasn't feeling too well either... Darren sick, me giddy @@

Gideon and Monty look cool here...

Melvin 'feeding' Luther beer.. lol

It looks as if I was drinking beer too =.=''

Gideon looks handsome in this pic... lol...

Now he looks formal, that proves how important hairstyles are to guys...

Melvin playing with his smartphone...

Last saturday we had a gathering at Kado, really enjoyed myself a lot... Hanging out with those bunch of guys :P Pity Darren was sick though... Hmm... Me, Gideon and Luther watched Rango at star cineplex and went to Hock Lee at noon before we had dinner at Kado. We played the aeroplane board game at first before we got chased away because apparently someone else booked the table for the night.

Had a nice time with u guys! Looking forward to the next outing! ^^"

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ICCF Kubah Trip 2011

Smile Darren! Lol 

The Hell I dont know what this two are doing @@ 

Gid u look gay here ><" 

Darren : U look ok
Gid : U look SO NOT ok... =.=" 

Gideon specially said he wants this pose to be taken.. tauke pose... 

Someone really know how to kek cute hor... 

Elaine and Darren ... Nice pic guys!! 

Smile! Whats Gid in the white hat doing in the background? Lol... 

Luther and Darren. Luther! Your smile is frozen!! 

Luther u seriously need to work on smiling well on cameras ... 

Darren and Elaine.. Gid! I can still see u hiding in the background!! 

Wonderfully big smile Harvin!! Harvin is the INITMA president.. F.Y.I... 

Taken on the bus by Luther. ME ME ME! Er lol? Hahahha

Trying to kek cute too.. Peace out!! 

Me and Luther Didi.. Smile Luther ... ><" 

Gid whats wrong with your facial expression? 

Welcome to Kubah! Finally we arrived!! 

Harvin talking to Brian (Bieber) lol 

Food preparation done by some girls and guys.. Cant exactly see clearly who they are (except Darren and Harvin)  

Ah Haw attempting to play the piano :) 

Me attempting to play the piano too :P 

Probs with my right hand :( 

Hey you!! No taking my pics!! I'm Bieber!! Gonna sue u damn paparazi!! 

Gideon and Brian (Bieber) peeling garlic.. or was it onions?? 

Me playing the piano again.. Hahah

Peace!! Taken by Luther... 

Dinner time!! The first dinner prepared by Desmond.. from what I remember... 

The Girls :)  

Gideon : Oh Yeah! I'm the Champ!! WOOOO!! 

Me and Tavia ( I love this pic :P )  

Harvin (left) Genevieve (left) Lyn (Middle) Brian (Right) and Kenny (Right)

James : U look like a ghost
Luther : U look okay..
Desmond : My I am sweating
Gideon : *#$%?? Looks a bit sissy here @@" 

James!! What are u doing?? 

Nur and her boyfriend

Brian (Bieber) in a cool pose :)  

Me and Darren!! Peace out twin bro!! :)  

Joey .. smile gurl :P 

Group photo before we left Kubah 

Say cheese!! I bet everyone had a great time this trip lol... 

Waffles from Desmond.. some sort of kitchen award.. Or was that what he joked to me?  

Xpression group photo.. Gid u ruined the pic lol... 

This one is better hahaha  

Peace! I like this pic because everyone is smiling XOXO 

Me and Darren (Before we left for Kubah)  

Peace Darren!! Elaine is checking out some stuff... 

Gideon, Me and Elaine  

Peace! Breakfast time!! 

Yup!! Eggs and baked beans.. And I prepared some of the fried eggs myself...  

Water fight!! Start!!  

Seriously loved this part of the camp the most aye :P  

Harvin flushing water on Ben  

Me and Harvin fighting over the water bucket, and guess what happened next??? 

This is what happened next, Darren emptied the ENTIRE bucket of COLD water over my head!! GRR!!

Gideon posing 

Yawn.. Im tryin to sleep here man.... 

Is that Desmond below Ben? Lol  

Kenny stacking UNO waffles 

Praise and worship session. Ben telling us his life experience with God 

Last group photo taken by Gid

I went on a 3 days 2 night stay with the ICCF group and also with the Xpression Drama group to Kubah National Park. We had lotsa fun then... Praise and worship, not to mention a failed walk to the Frog Pond as it happened to be under construction.. but it was good exercise nevertheless... 

Enjoyed myself throughly in the camp, especially the water fight!! Hahahha

Okay chao guys .. See u and take k!!

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