Monday, April 11, 2011

SoulDance Performance on INTI Prom Night 2011

Carron making a hip hop style walk (dance) around the hall

Sonia (Left)  and Cj with a cool stance

Phiish! Sonia's hair is going fling...

The SoulDance crew members bowing....

Group Photo *SMILE GUYS*

Nice pose everyone!! 

Sonia asked SoulDance to help perform on Inti Prom Night on March 12th.. too bad I can't join because I was performing in a drama on the very same night too.
 Sighs.... Oh well, the very next performance would be Kuching Festival in Aug I guess.... Hmm.. Hope I can perfect the dances needed to be performed on the performance night then....

I don't think I have much to say though. so chao readers, catch ya some other time yeah!!


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