Sunday, March 27, 2011

*Drama-tic Life*

These are some of the pics I havent uploaded in my previous drama post.... Hmm.. When I think of how much we had to go through to succeed in the Cendrilion Drama, I feel grateful that in the end the drama was a success and we didn't waste all our effort. Since we have been through fire and ice together, I think us Drama Club members should appreciate our friendship and stay united and be strong in team spirit.

Enjoy reading... Hope you readers enjoy this post~

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Inti Prom Night

We had great fun performing Cendrilion Drama on Inti prom night, despite of many mistakes, we still made it through... I haven't got many comments, so just enjoy the pics people!! XOXO

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Masks For Cendrilion Drama Play

We went to spring the other day, me, Darren and Gideon to take photos of the masks that the intima members might be interested in buying~ But they told us they already bought their own masks by the time I uploaded the photos on facebook and tagged them on facebook. Anyways, at least I got a rough idea myself how those masks would look like.

Speaking of drama, Gideon keeps saying we have our own mini life drama inside the drama club itself... Well, after going through all the ups and downs together I do hope our friendship would strengthen.... And that we may be able to understand each other better in the future ...

Thats all for now readers, chow~

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