Friday, January 7, 2011

Starting Of New Dance Life 2011

Soulz Cj (青云)

Hmm... wonder why I seldom posted bout him? Cuz he wasn't one of my dancing instructors, not until recently I mean. Yup. That means I've taken up Cj's class on top of Decole's class on Wed night. Decole's class is 7.05 - 8.05, Cj's class is 8.10 to 9.10. Imma havent paid the dance fees yet >< Next week then I pay I guess. Cj's teaching LA hip hop while Decole is teaching Old School Hip Hop. 

The difference is LA Hip Hop is more sharp and fast, while Old School Hip Hop is slower and bouncier... But I can't seem to make my dancing any 'bouncier' than it is ==" Haha. Hmm. Imma need ta' practice harder to catch up I guess. Plus the fact that dancing requires quite a bit of memory work too.I guess my memory is kinda improving already, its just that I just can't pull off some of the stunts that Cj and Decole teach. It's not as simple as it looks, that is, if dancing looks 'simple' to you guys. It requires skill and long hours of practice... And it definitely takes years to become a really pro dancer. 

Hmm. Wish me all the best guys. I shall stop right here now! Hope I don't bore you guys out! Toodles!


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