Monday, December 27, 2010

Flash Mob + After Dance Xmas Party

I had a great time with the souldance dancers and the church members at the flash mob and the after dance xmas party! The after dance xmas party was held at Millions Cafe at Padungan... teehee... Im lazy to introduce all of my friends one by one, just enjoy the pictures ppl!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Party a.k.a Class Gathering 2010

Derek - Chef of The Day ... Yan Sheng - Helper XD 

Smile ^^ Thanks for all the food Derek!! 

Guys in the kitchen 

Hui! I know you're not asleep lol!! =D

Pizza that havent gone into the oven

Sze li locked in the bathroom... Sheng trying to rescue her... T.T 

Ei.. Y cannot open de? lol...

 The guys very attentive in their food preparation work ^^

Everyone trying to rescue Shirley... poor girl...

Oreo Ice Cream ^^

The guys having a great time!!  Ah Kim (Middle) Laugh till so happy .. haha

Gurls : I Heart You!! 

Hui and Eileen! Two Leng Lui!!

Hui and Shirley : Pretty Gurls!! ^^

Eileen and Shirley 

Yan Sheng wearing Derek's Hip Hop Cap... haha... 

 Yo! Cool man!! lol!!

Wah!! Hui: Yan Sheng look so cool in the cap.... 

o.O What was I laughing at? 

Derek breakdancing!! Go Go Go! 

Lai Lai Lai! Pay $$$!! Hahahaha

Class Photo!! hahha!!

Imma dancing.. er... i think is either fizzo got flow or run devil run T.T 

Derek on the piano... hehe 

Shirley eating gingerbread man made by eileen

Ah Kim telling story haha ^^

Yan Sheng and Shirley chatting 

Yan Sheng eating oreo ice cream

Cute Derek!! Lol!!

We had a class gathering / Christmas Party on he 23rd of Dec... Had a great time with you guys!! Hui, Derek and Yan Sheng arrived early at 4 pm to prepare the food, while the rest arrived later at around 7.30 pm... and some a little bit late... Poor Shirley got locked up in the bathroom for more than 1 hour, then everyone took turns trying to rescue her, in the end Ah Kim was the hero of the day, managing to dismantle the entire lock.. and Sheng and Kim gave the final kick to open the door... WOOTS!!

O ya.. nearly forgot, Derek was the chef of the day, he prepared all of our food... yummy! He told me he wanna be a celebrity chef one day!! Good luck Derek!! After that me and Derek performed dancing!! Hahaha.. he said I needed to work on my expression, will do that!! 

Hui had to leave around 10.30 like that... with Alan... so she didn't see us dancing. Hui u forgot your book! T.T Yan Sheng and Derek left at 11.45 pm.. We had a nice long chat...

Overall it was a nice party! Muakzz! Love ya guys! Hope this will be a nice memory when we will look back and cherish when we grow older .. haha... reminisce these sweet memories ...

Thats all guys! See ya!! More pictures coming up soon!!


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