Friday, January 15, 2010

*Playing Invisible*

*Playing Invisible*

I wonder who is reading this?
Some of my friends thought i was 'dead'
Yeah... Keeping low profile for awhile

Nothing much going on in life... As always
Boring.. Uninteresting Me...

Hand getting better >> Thats definitely some good news at least

Celebrated Amelia's birthday yesterday... Gave her like a christmas stocking full of small presents

Bought 2 keychains.. Blah Blah.. (Having Keychain Mania Recently >> Last time it was those tiny toys u hang on the handphone)

Anything new? Nah 
Going to start a new 'cup project' soon
Selling DIY cups to ACCA club members... from Pick n Pack 3rd mile
Hopefully it will get some response

Ah yes. Passed Grade 4 piano. Yup. Borderline pass.

Im not expecting anyone to read this. Lol. Its probably a journal for me to read when im bored sometimes.

Granpa sick. Prayer >>> I hope everything will be fine. 

Discussed 2012 again with Amelia yesterday at her house.
Her bf story : "Go rob the bank one day before 2012 and party wild. If 2012 dont come? How? Declare your own 2012. Where? In jail. " Get da joke? Nah... its not funny. Im a lame joker.

Pray Pray Pray. Count Your Blessings. 
We'll get through. Somehow.

Jesus, I love you, things will come around somehow.



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