Monday, March 24, 2008

~Monday~ Lan.. uh oh.. the exams are coming UP!!~

Ok.. so can someone say something about the coming exams? Gosh I am so nervous I'm shaking? Lol.. isnt that a little bit exaggerating? Ok.. so LAN ... was boring again.. and Len Hwa's birthday is tomorrow... hehehhehe.... I plan to have a great time tomorrow... so bye! CYA GUYS!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

~Sunday~ NOT a great day

Ok... so i spent a great day yesterday... playing in Permai with my frenz... Seawater.. pool water.. oohh.. it was great.. but unfortunately i was sick... haih.. then zheng hurt his leg... dear me.. but he is fine now at least... hmmm.. i got an exam tomorrow.. paper 2 mock exam... well thats around all..if anyone wants to see what happened in permai, go check out my stalkerholic blog.. ok then.. c u guys!

P.S I am still feeling a bit ill... urrgh..

Saturday, March 15, 2008

~Boy on Microphone~

OK yu liang.. give it your best shot.. dont make the glass break though with your voice..hahahahha... well.. ^^ just kidding
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~Amelia and Patrick~

Thats amelia and her boyfriend patrick.. arent they RED today? hahahhaha
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~Audrey and Roy~

Hey... here we have another couple today.. thats Roy and Audrey.. say hi lol...
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~Yu Liang and.. dono who?~

Hey.. that guy in blue is yu liang.. and his fren.. hmm i dono his name boh.. but anywayz.. they are our seniors
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~Saturday~ Trip to Permai

hey.. guys.. did u know that we joined a trip to Permai for our ACCA club? hehe.. and right.. thats teresa in Permai...
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Friday, March 14, 2008

~Friday~ A break Day!

Ok.. so i did skip cadie's class today...hehehe... well.. lazy mah... study myself lo... and erm... we're goin on the trip to the rainforest tomorrow... and im gonna take lots of pictures and then of course.. post it on stalkerholic..hehehe... yup.. its also claren's birthday!! hehhe... sshh.. we got him a present! hehe.. ok then thats all.. till tomorrow..tata

~Friday~ UH oh.. tats my frenz...

Ah.. this is amy and valerie... hehehhe....say hi everyone!
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Uh oh.. i only got 4As.. sob sob.. nvm la.. its still better than nothing.. well.. thats all... my frens all got a lot of As... but im not that disappointed.. hehe.. well c u then!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

~Two Boys~

Yan Sheng and Kelson together... both July boys... hehehhe... my two gud frens.. still in Tun Jugah... hehhe.. Yan Sheng looks sleepy.. Kelson has a big big big smile... very happy today hoh?
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This is kelson.. the most talkative person i know.. haha.. he is very cheerful and nice.. we took this in tun jugah... hehe... he used to study in padungan... lol..
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~Chiu Hui and Shirley~

Hmm.. stalkerholic is stalking people again.. hahahhahah... thats chiu hui (left) and sze li (right) on the way to parkson.. heheheh... arent i evil.... steal take their photo de...
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Hello! This is my best fren sze li... everybody say hi!! All of us.. me, chiu hui and yan sheng took this pictures in Ren Jian Cha Fang... Live Cafe... hehehhehe
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~Frenz Gathering~ Saturday

Hey.. thats me and yan sheng... hehe... do we look like brother and sister? No la.. but we are good frens... lol.. today come out and play mah... so we take this near alacard... hehe...
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Friday, March 7, 2008


This is Audrey in her white jacket.. a gud fren of teresa's ... hehe.. they sit together in class... well... she's from stampin school.. teresa's from greenroad... thats all...

P.S. Audrey dun kill me ya...
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~Chinese New Year Go to Frenz House~

OK.. thats teresa.. one of my gud frenz in INTI... ok then well... she's smart and pretty... and very nice too.. hahaha...
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~INTI FRENZ~ Before Chinese New Year ~January~

Hey.. thats amelia on the left and veronica on the right... veronica left for australia already... well ... we lost a friend... but it was fun having her around hahahha... hmm... ok amelia dun kill me when u see your picture..
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~China Trip Dec 2007~

OK... tats dad and uncle in xia men

Below is mum...

~My KHS Friends~ During SPM time

Uh oh... the bottom one is shirley.. or sze li, thats her real name.. she's my best friend... and the top one is pei ching... both are my good friends, but sze li is my best friend of course... hahahha... i made a new blog... im gonna make sure its full of pictures.. muahahhaha.... well... thats all... i took this after the SPM exam... i cant remember what subject... thats a long time ago... ok then.. thats all... just introducing my KHS friends.. bye!
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Thursday, March 6, 2008

~Friday~ End of Week at last

O great! Its a friday, and its at the end of the week.. finally! Ok.. so class at the BGL lab wasnt that bad.. but i managed to survive through mr voon's lab session.. later i got piano too... ok.. lets see what happened the last few days i left my blog.. okay.. last night i called up the 'old gang' and we agreed to meet tomorrow, saturday, at alacard.. to play.. HURRAY! cmon.. what with like 4 mock exams waiting for me to flunk.. i gotta relax today u know .. cmon guys.. pity me a little... oh yeah... about the LAN project.. due date is next monday.. luckily i nearly finshed it. Okay then.. thats all .. bye !

P.S. Gotta really play hard tommorow to make up for the sweet time lost....

Monday, March 3, 2008

MPW exam day ~Monday~

My god... its a tough day today... i really cant stand the LAï¼® moral test... im so gonna flunk it... yup... i cheated lol hahha....well... too bad... (*.*) anywayz... i think there is nothing much to say today.. except for the fact that i am really tired... well.. what really happened the past few days was.. hmm... wat happened? I dont remember? Pai seh... I only know that i am going to flunk it... well thats all... c u guys then.. bye! 

P.S. Extra class tomorow with cadie... i hope i understand what SHE teaches... else i m so gonna scream in frustration...  

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