Monday, December 28, 2015

Study Marathon

Hmm. Study marathon. One month no gym.

Nightmare this morning. The stress must be getting to me.

Busy? Yup

I quit stalking ppl facebook. Set my own target

Wonder how come I gain so much attention

End of 2015

Any new thoughts? 

2015 wasnt too bad. I think Ive forgotten about SD. Am currently taking class in Tyng.

Picking up art in 2016. Improve writing and studies

Violin as well

Okay. Thats all

Please be kind to me 2016

Sunday, December 27, 2015

I hate her

Okay. Hope she's not reading this

There's this girl. No name. SHe took a guy away from me. I rejected him. And they ended up together. And married. They even invited me to their wedding. I escaped and didnt attend. Bitch. Fucking bitch.

Another one is in high school. I like the guy. ANother girl did too. She got him


Okay bye

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Who's smarter?

okay. Im thinking that teresa is better in guys compared to me.

she's also smarter. Dang. K thats all

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Media Law Drill

I finished the notes of  ML but in the middle of the textbook. ML - Media Law

I managed to sleep last night. Thank god.

Im drifting further away from Dance World

Good eh?

K bye

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Im tired of my past. It keeps going round and round in my head

The dance, the people, the politics. I hate it

I cant move on. Im stuck.

I hate it. I cant. For DICKHEAD FUCKING GUY he is still in my head

yeah. No defamation here. No names

OKay. Im going to bed.

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