Tuesday, February 17, 2009

~Ah... BREAK!!~

Ah... did i ever tell u guys sth? I miss the good old times that i spent with len hwa... and the rest.... last year... and i miss amy too in the LAN moral class... really miss her... *sniff* i know i have NOT been updating my blogs... but anyhowz... sometimes i kinda wish we can turn back the clock... who knows when is the next time we will ever see each other again? Really miss them.... of course... still see len hwa in school... but... as for ... amy... miss her... feeling nostalgic... o well... hope that she is fine in shah alam... well break for me this week, passed all my CAT papers from T5 to T7, two more to go... tata then guys!

Monday, February 16, 2009

~CAT results out!~

Ah... results out.. straight pass... am so very GLAD.. ahhaha.... o well... glad that i now only have left T9 and T10 left... hehehezz XOXO

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