Sunday, June 29, 2008


Ok... i might have failed the first time while taking my paper 4.. but at least i passed it today! HIP HIP HURRAY!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

~Gone Out To Boulevard~

Yikes i went out with boulevard again with my frenz... zheng and teresa... around 3.30 when i was supposed to be studying... haih... >.<".... I dono wat to say la... so i guess thats about all... if i fail tats it... haih

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

~Fixed My Piano~

Today i kinda wasted a whole afternoon with the tuner? Like ... *sighs*  3 hours gone... phew... my GOODNESS me... well... i spent RM 70 tuning the piano.. it belonged to my mum... which means it OLD... and... it hasnt been tuned for 30 years... YUP ... i m not exaggerating... well I'm Kinda Relieved that its over... phew... but the keyboard keys are still kinda stiff... can't help it... k thats about all... another new entry tommorow morning i guess.... gotta RUN now... I finish the chapter on Materials... now on the next chapter... LABOUR... talk about LABOUR... *my poor brain is exhausted* ^^ gtg! 

Monday, June 16, 2008

I have no idea why this blog has NO TITLE... nvm... i will make it like my daily entry... to my good friend, shirley who is reading this.. i wish her good luck in her exams all the time... do not hesitate to let me help u in your MUET The Best Handphone Theme Site Ever!

Hey... all u guys out there...chem... please go to to get themes for your handphone.. yup... all sorts of themes.. enjoy! 
Gah... i will not bother to repeat myself... i am way behind on my work... so i reli need to go now... cya then! 

ONO.. 10 CHAPTERS to go!

Ono... tat means my CATP 4 got 10 chapters to go... k wish me luck.. cya ! 

~ No News = Good News ~

Aloha... mmph... considering the fact that I m now opening ANOTHER blog... well u guys can simply check this one out... although it will be just like my old one... the aviendlha cafe... well... Lets see...

~No news is good news~

Well... considering the fact that no news IS good news... i would like to bring in some news... *cough* well that means its BAD news... as i have already written in Aviendlha Cafe... my MPW 1133 Malaysian Studies exam has crashed into my CATP 4... i guess i will not bother to repeat it over and over again... hahahha.... well... i would also like to add a few more photos in my Stalkerholic blog tomorrow. Its regarding Happy Father's Day... hahah... we ate at Hui Sing... The Family Cafe... *Smiles* Well... erm... nothing much to add here.... only that i plan to read through 4 lectures tonight and try to finish everything... (the MPW 1133) hopefully i can... i din realy study today... but i got the luxury of sleeping and surfing the net... i got less than 7 days to study for my CATP 4 ... dunk the MPW... hahahah... well.. considering another 3 of my friends are suffering the same fate... nvm then... i got another project to do as well.. for MPW 1133... haih.... k then... cya round.. TATA!!!

MPW 1133 Malaysian Studies Class

Omg... i gonna have a heart attack * starts to wheeze * My Malaysian studies midterm totally CRASHED into my CATP4 exam... its like ... omg... what should i do? Both are on the totally same day... one in the morning.. one in the night... omg... hah? HOW LEH HOH? i dono... *snivels* and *groans in despair* My self consciousness is killing me.... the angel with the halo on the top says, Michelle... be a good gurl.. study hard... the devil on the other side says, Cmon... u only have two weeks holiday to boot for another 6 months.. play ... so like... duh.... My sanity is at stake here... not to mention I have to resit the damn car law test... one week after my exam... ... if i fail again i must be dumb... rite? how can i pass my CAT exam... but FAIL car law? Absurd rite? Like... totally lame... well... thats that... I HOPE that i can pass... *screams in my head* erm.. *ponders if can really pass* WELL gotta pump in more petrol into my engine and start MOVE IT! Yup... singing .... I LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT... I LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT.... MOVE IT!!! Well.. really going to move NOW... so tata... adding a new entry tomorrow... apparently i got about 7 to 8 chapters left to study... plan to study my MPW midterm tonight first... damn it... well... cya round!

Failed My Law Test... (>.<")

Ok... so i flunked the damn test... i need to resit it on the last week of june... a saturday... well everyone gotta wish me gud luck then... cya round... next monday is the midterm AND the CATP4 exam... DIE... DIE... sniff... y do i get the very bad feeling i might fail again? ~.~ dear me... nvm... well thats all... i gtg now cya!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Driving Law Test!

Oh sheesh! I'm gonna have my driving law test at 2.30 pm.. and i din finish the 500 questions... so erm... how leh? Dono but well.... I just gotta study hard then... k c u!

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