Friday, February 29, 2008

~Exam Day~ Friday

OK guys... did i tell u that yesterday AND today was a really tiring day? Like REALLY TIRING? (Exam days) What happened recently? The latest news is that somebody out there has just began a relationship... no names... but everyone will know who by the end of next week.. two loverbirds hahha... ok the next most TIRING thing on earth is that LAN.. oh yes.. the dreaded MPW subject EXAM is next monday.. no kidding.. boys and girls.. it is like deathbed... two essays... 40 objective... and 4 structure... uh oh are u guys kidding me? Nvm.. nvm... i survived SPM... whats the big deal? Pay another RM 50 and resit it again if u like? lol... no way... im outta that BORING boring class... no kidding me man.. ok... lets say i will die on monday... when both papers come back... sniff... nvm... there is gotta be a first time... hmm.. i chat with yan sheng on the phone for one hour just now... lol... we are still gud frens that is for sure... well... lots and lots to talk about mah... really miss them all friends... especially those from song kheng hai... hehe... another thingy... im so outta love right now.. i got so much on my plate i cant finish it... meaning that i have so many things to do i wont meddle with love affairs now... i think i better relearn everythingy teacher has taught us ... damn... why so many exams? Me? Good results? It sucks.. well okay its average.. but do u think it will last? Darn... can someone just be my luck star today? becoz... well.. i felt like i tembak the whole paper... believe? Okay.. next section of todays story...

Quote no 1: Never study for a test
Quote no 2 : Never bring your calculator (who needs it when u have a shotgun to tembak all the ABC questions?) Get real.. kids
Quote no 3: If it rains.. dont even bother to bring an umbrella... if u get sick u will be exempted from exams
Quote no 4: What happens if u fail? Well... nvm... this would be the 100th time... people who fail suceed better then those who never fail before... it isnt the real exam, who freaking cares?
Quote no 5: Okay.. so what happens if u really fail in the real exam? No big deal... just keep thinking that... its not the end of the world.. i might need to resit the whole semester and lose my friends but thank god... so long as i pay.. they wont kick me out... muahahhahaha...

So... 5 quotes to keep u guys going.. (ignore the 5th one... i dont recommend it) but oh yeah, the first 4 are highly recommended advice.. take it from me.. the... inhuman human... ok... i dont really care what u guys wanna call me but be nice kiddos.. no names... especially from king oliver... YUP! I'm talking to you... if u make me angry... i will definitely start to sing.. its too late to apologize... too late... and of course... begin to start whacking u as usual.. hahhaa... ok im not the devil..just playing... just playing... be nice... zheng said.. well he has got his point... even james said i was rough... sniff.. am i really? ok then... time to ... become a lady... like teresa... a lady ? me? are u kidding me? I hate skirts! NO high heels! No make up! Please? Cant i be all natural? Lol... someone called me a plant..a cactus.. mr you-know-who of course... who else but his highness... swt... he calls me all sorts of names.. argh! nvm... naturally he is just kidding.. doesnt mean any harm... i hope we can make it out for the movie.. i mean me and my old frens... next thurs or friday... becoz if not.. well lets say DIE lo if not... okay thats enuff... bye kiddos... all the leng zai and leng loi.. if u wanna see more... just be patient.. i will update as much as possible.. bye!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

~A Near to Exam Day~ Tuesday

Ok... another uneventful day... but the past previous days i really had a lot of fun.. at least last friday i went to watch kung fu dunk with teresa, claren and claren's friend... nice movie heheh... then we had an exam on monday about the computer thingy... lucky i got study.. then paper 1 marks come back.. its around 60++... not telling u exactly how much... paper 2 also 60++... but thursday one all the teory.. i have no idea how much i can get... ok then... today played Final Fantasy XII and then... well listened to songs loh.... nothing much.... ok then.. time to SCRAM! i mean time to start to hit the books ... haih... ok then.. c u guys!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

~Exam Day~ Thursday

Eh... horrible exam! I managed to balance it... but damn.. king oliver's answer is not the same>>>> HAH? what to do... what is past is past... haih.. what can i do about it? Today me and teresa go out and eat after class... we also borrowed some books from the library... to aid us in the LAN subject... today is quite fun... we talked in my grandma's house later... next we went to ah zheng's house to go online and search for the LAN thingy... then... ahhahah... more talking... then we rushed home before his dad came home lol... then of course it is yuan xiao jie... ate a lot.. then played with my younger cousins... the DIN! so noisy... i tickled them and they were all laughing... hahhahaha.... then rushed home and attacked my PS 2... Final Fantasy XII... finally managed to get rid of the bosses... phew... after like... WEEKS of training... hahhaha... well thats all... nothing much... but well... i feel like i've been running up and down the whole day... haih.... well thats all... bye!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

~A Boring Day At Home~ Tuesday

Today.. well... i was supposed to study for thursday's exam with teresa but well... i ended up sleeping... so well.. nothing much.. but my grandad brought back a german shepherd puppy today... quite cute.. but mum brought it to the vet to check up.. apparently it has tick fever... but its fine now.. okay... just finished my hw.. time to go... bye!
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Monday, February 18, 2008

~ LAN is sooo boring~ Monday

Waseh... its been a long day.. I'm so glad to be able to kick back and finally relax. So.. today in the MPW LAN class... I kinda did a bit of music teory.. with valerie's help... and then talked to amelia and chian chen loh... Nothing much really... today i din manage to really disturb king oliver... but well... we're all friends... we play a lot together... I really love.. to bully him... hahhaa... actually usually its him that bully me... but i dont really mind.. seriously... he want bully then let him bully loh... yeah... tomorrow im goin to grandma house to study in the morning with teresa.... so thats about all.... yup.... Thursday got CATP 1 exam, gotta prepare.. okay then... bye!
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Sunday, February 17, 2008

~A Day In INTI college~ Monday

Hmm... its a monday... a LONG day ahead of me... later Brenda will have a meeting with us about the trip to Sematan. Nothing much today.. but we go out eat just now... opposite INTI ... someone ... has bad mood today... not telling who lol... u know i know... lol... today i just talk to king oliver(nickname) about all sorts of stuff... anything and everything under the sun... muahahhaa... tonight valerie and amy is going to teach me music teory again.... DIE... i havent practiced my piano yet.. yesterday ah zheng sent me a video of maksim.... playing the flight of the bumble bee .. great performance... next week is the LAN exam... DIE again... lets see what else i can write... for today... only half the day gone... i still have like... afternoon and night ... to go through.. ARGH!!! OMG... ya.. today teresa got ambushed by a black guy... hahahhaha... and someone saved her... lol.... yup... LUCKILY! lol... and then the black guy just vanished into thin air... ok thats all... bye... to all my friends... thats all for now... c u guys soon!

~ A Day In My Friend's House~

Spent a day in claren's house.. played cards... quite fun actually... apart from the fact that i keep losing.. won once or twice only... the main reason that i stop writing in chinese because damn! Aint it hard to copy and paste... blek ^^... really miss all of my KHS friends... no la... just a few nia.. people like sze li and maybe keren them loh.. i still have amy with me in INTI... muakzz... hehehehe... today claren house open house.... a lot of people come... ah zheng friend is all like leng loi and leng zai de.. so nice ah! Lol... well thats all.. i need to do my moral project... tired now.. bye!
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