Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Breaking Dawn Review

Stephanie Meyer
Breaking Dawn
United States
Little, Brown and Company
August 2008
756 pages
ISBN 031606792X

                The plot is rather simple, and the setting is in United States, rather among the wild life in the woods, where the werewolves run and the vampires hunt. The plot is about getting Bella’s daughter to safety from the Volturi who thinks she is a threat as an immortal child and wants to destroy her to keep the vampire secret existence safe.
                There is also a twist in the story when Jacob imprints on Renesmee and takes her to become his soul mate, and Bella flies at him at rage. The bond between them didn’t disappear though. They fought and remained friends.
                Main characters are Bella, Edward and Jacob. You will need to read the entire series to get a hold of the final book – breaking dawn. There are conflicts and when best friends are a boy and a girl, high chances that one of them like each other. That’s why.
                Personally, the story is likeable as it portrays a love triangle between a human, vampire and werewolf. At least Edward is well-off financially. He strews Bella with beautiful cars just before they got married. It is also rather romantic. It is also one of the most famous series in the past 5 years.
                “You’ve never been a teenager, sweetie. You know what’s best for you.” Would that include marrying a vampire? Quote from Bella’s mother. Teens are always making the wrong decisions.

That’s typical of being a teen. Then I get to read more paranormal stories late into night. Enjoy!


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